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View Full Version : Help needed for making a GUI form in Excel.

02-02-2015, 12:32 AM
Hi Experts,

Please help me to create a user GUI on a excel sheet. The data is available in excel and I would like to have a user form which extract specific user data from the sheet with Userfrom.

The Sample sheet and userform/GUI is attached with the thread. In the sample sheet the coomon section of the data should appear with the condition data. The condition data are the following section - First statement, Forthnighly statement, WREP, WREP fortnight.

The condition section should extract the result depend on the checkbox selected.


Bob Phillips
02-02-2015, 01:27 AM
Those are option buttons, not checkboxes, which means only one can be selected.

And, you failed to include the form in your example file. We can help, but we aren't free contractors.

02-02-2015, 02:26 AM
Hi xld

Thanks for looking into it. I am looking for some help to learn the VBA to fix such manual task which I do on daily basis. Anyways I will look for some other means and ways to make it workable for me.
