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View Full Version : Display values in User Form

02-09-2015, 01:11 AM
how to get the result of the following in a userform?

the code in #13 contains an error.
Here the revised code:

Sub M_snb()
On Error Resume Next
sp = Split("Cell Value|Expression|Color Scale|DataBar|Top 10?|Icon Sets||Unique Values|Text|Blanks|Time Period|Above Average||No Blanks||Errors|No Errors|||||", "|")

With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
.Item("titel") = "Type|Typename|Range|StopIfTrue|Formula1|Formula2|Formula3"

For Each cl In Sheet1.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllFormatConditions)

For Each cf In cl.FormatConditions
c00 = ""
c00 = cf.Formula1

If .exists(cf.AppliesTo.Address) Then
If InStr(.Item(cf.AppliesTo.Address), c00) = 0 Then .Item(cf.AppliesTo.Address) = .Item(cf.AppliesTo.Address) & "|'" & c00
.Item(cf.AppliesTo.Address) = cf.Type & "|" & sp(cf.Type) & "|" & cf.AppliesTo.Address & "|" & cf.StopIfTrue & "|'" & c00
End If

Sheets.Add.Name = "overzicht"
Sheets("overzicht").Cells(1).Resize(.Count) = Application.Transpose(.items)
Sheets("overzicht").Columns(1).TextToColumns , , , , 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, "|"
End With
End Sub