View Full Version : Combo Box issues

02-10-2015, 09:55 AM
I need some help with a combo box issue I have ran into, what I'm trying to do is
1. select multiple data from the combo box
2. save that data to a separate table
3. when data in combo box is selected hide that data until the Boolean is back to no/False (i will give and example see E.x. 1.0)
4. Connect two query's to correspond to each other in the combo box via auto number (E.x. 1.1)

E.x.1.0 - the situation is that of sending an employee to a specific job, in the drop down list i need to select: John, which it turn gives all his information in the query but only shows his first and last name. I need to select him and once i do select him upon click i need his name to be hidden. Thus the combo box instead of starting with John, it will start with Frank. so on and so on.

E.x. 1.1 - I need to be able to connect two query's on the auto number of one query to the other. for example, I need my Customer to connect to my Company. So in a form when i add a new Customer to the Company X it will correspond to each other. Company.[CompanyID].X = 15, Customer.[CompanyID] = Company.[CompanyID] For some reason this statement does not work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! If you need more information on anything I will be happy to help with what ever I can.

02-11-2015, 07:40 AM
E.x. 1.1

To link tables/queries you just drag one field onto the other in the query builder to join them up.
To filter the data you add the value in the criteria row for that field.

1. You can't select multiple items from a combo. Use a list.
2. Run a sql insert statement e.g. currentdb.execute "insert into mytable (field1,field2) values ('foo','bar')" for each row.
3. What Boolean?
4. See E.x. 1.1

Sorry, I don't understand the rest.