View Full Version : Save file name as first line in word and then increment.

03-09-2015, 03:40 AM

I want to change this function please but I do not know how:

baseFile.SaveAs _
FileName:=saveFN & Format(iterNum, "0000") & ".prtl", _
FileFormat:=wdFormatText, _

' close the modified file without saving
baseFile.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges

iterNum = iterNum + 1
Next para

Instead of incrementing the file name, I would like it to take the first line of text of the word doc as the file name and then the next line for the next file.


Word Doc:

Perter Pan: /Green Pants/
Captain Hook: /Hook/

Output file: Please note that the "/" and ":" has to be removed, maybe replaced with "-" or the file cannot be saved
Perter Pan: Green Pants
Captain Hook: Hook

Original Code:

Option Explicit

Sub EditVideoFile()
Dim dataFile As Document ' this data doc or template
Dim baseFile As Document ' file being modified
Dim baseFileFN As String ' path\name of file from Adobe
Dim rgData As Range ' range of data file containing replacements
Dim para As Paragraph ' paragraph in rgData
Dim rgPattern As Range ' a range used in baseFile
Dim replaceText As String ' current line from this data file
Dim iterNum As Long ' number of current line / saved file
Dim saveFN As String ' path\base name of saved file

Set dataFile = ActiveDocument

MsgBox "Select the data file (*.prtl) to be processed."
With Dialogs(wdDialogFileOpen)
.Name = "*.prtl"
If .Show = -1 Then
Set baseFile = ActiveDocument ' file just opened becomes Active
baseFileFN = baseFile.FullName ' this path\name will be used to open it again
Exit Sub
End If
End With

MsgBox "Select the folder and filename (without numbers) to save as."
With Dialogs(wdDialogFileSaveAs)
If .Display = -1 Then ' just get the path\name, don't actually save
saveFN = WordBasic.FileNameInfo(.Name, 5) & WordBasic.FileNameInfo(.Name, 4) & "-"
'MsgBox saveFN
Exit Sub
End If
End With

On Error GoTo Errhdl
iterNum = 1
Set rgData = dataFile.Range
rgData.MoveStart unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1 ' exclude paragraph containing macro button
For Each para In rgData.Paragraphs
replaceText = Left(para.Range.Text, Len(para.Range.Text) - 1) ' exclude paragraph mark

' force all-caps XYZ to lower-case xyz
' to avoid inserting text from data file in all caps
Set rgPattern = baseFile.Range
With rgPattern.Find
.Text = "XYZ"
.Wrap = wdFindStop
While .Execute
rgPattern.Text = LCase(rgPattern.Text)
End With

' do the replacement
baseFile.Range.Find.Execute _
FindText:="xyz", _
MatchCase:=False, _
ReplaceWith:=replaceText, _

baseFile.SaveAs _
FileName:=saveFN & Format(iterNum, "0000") & ".prtl", _
FileFormat:=wdFormatText, _

' close the modified file, then reopen the unmodified base
baseFile.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
Set baseFile = Documents.Open(FileName:=baseFileFN, AddToRecentFiles:=False, Visible:=False)

iterNum = iterNum + 1
Next para

baseFile.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
MsgBox "Done"
Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " at line " & iterNum & vbCr & Err.Description
End Sub

Thanks to Jay Freedman