View Full Version : When/why does the VBIDE remember/forget its window state/position?

04-03-2015, 08:00 AM
Cross-posted on Excel Help:

OK, a complicated question. What I'm really asking is this: whenever I'm developing in Excel, I position Excel's UI and VBIDE the way I like (each maximized on each of my two monitors), and I have certain windows open Watch, Properties, Immediate, etc.

I finish my work for the day, shut down, come back the next day, open my Excel project, and neither the UI nor the VBIDE is where I had it. But when I do some Word development, Word's VBIDE remembers which windows I had open in Excel, but not where I last placed it last time I was working in either Word or Excel! I really wish there were some "development workspace" concept akin to Excel's save-workspace concept...

When does the VBIDE remember its position on the desktop and the positions of windows within itself?
What VBIDE information is saved when you save an XLSM? That is, does it remember which code windows are open?
How can I control the VBIDE window and its sub-windows?