View Full Version : Solved: Shortcut

09-16-2005, 10:11 AM
How can I create a shortcut in access for a userform? I mean something like when I press "Ctrl + L" I get my form.

09-16-2005, 11:48 AM
Hi Carlos,

What I did for this, if I am understanding what you want correctly, is use autokeys and set an F-Key to open the form. So I can hit, let's say {f2} and my form will start. Since coding is not a strong point for me working within the bound of access's automated stuff has been very helpful


09-16-2005, 11:54 AM
Great Gary, it helps me but I would rather to use the control key plus a character. Something like "Ctrl + s" for example.

But, BTW, could you tell me step-by-step how to set the F-key? I have never done this before.

Many thanks

09-16-2005, 08:04 PM
Carlos... :hi:

1. Create a new macro.
2. Show macro names. (Click the xyz button on the toolbar.)
3. Name it ^L.
4. For action, choose OpenForm.
5. Specify the form to open at the bottom of the window (Action Arguments).
6. Save this macro as Autokeys.

Hit CTRL + L after it's saved. It will open the form. :)

PS. Search for Autokeys in Access help for more detailed instructions. ;)

09-17-2005, 12:30 PM
Great, this was exactly what I needed, many thanks!

09-20-2005, 01:14 PM
Hi Carlos,

I'm sorry I didn't respond to your request. For some reason my email is acting very sporadic and I didn't get a notification of your response. Xcav8r summed it up perfectly. Autokeys works the same way. Where it asks for macro name just name it {f3} , for example, and then for the column named action select what you want to do. For example openform can be a command and when you type that it in the box on the bottom of the screen will ask you for the form name, the type of view you want, data mode, window mode etc... Once you have set it up then simply press the f key you named the action and off it goes. You can also set it up as shift f key by putting the plus sign in front of it. example: +{F5} would make the action happen by hitting the shift key and the f5 key.


10-11-2005, 07:31 AM
Just an update for anyone interested. I went into autokeys and in the macro name column I set a name like so: ^{L}, and it also worked by hitting control + L. Since Autokeys allows for Mulitple Macro's I thought this might be an interesting tip. It has helped me out.
