View Full Version : Access: calculating a textbox HELP

04-13-2015, 07:37 AM
Okay so I have information for machine time ran in one textbox on a subform. This is calculated in minutes. They want this to remain but to add another textbox for Machine time ran in seconds. This is easy. But they want the minutes box to populate when they put the seconds entry in.

So I have a textbox for minutes and a textbox for seconds.

User inputs 180.00 in seconds textbox

The minutes textbox automatically populates to 3.00

I tried using vba but I keep getting errors. I didn't know if there as an after update procedure I could use.

please help!

Thanks in advance.

04-14-2015, 06:21 AM
Changing the value of a control during the controls update event would cause a never ending loop.
Use a third textbox or inputbox for data entry.