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05-04-2015, 05:28 AM
Hi Guys
I am new to this and have no knowledge of VBA whatsoever
any help appreciated with this please, would someone look at the code and tell me if there are any errors, from what I understand this book is set run between 11.00 and 12.30 and run command button 21 which loads data
then to run 4 mins before the time in f13 subject to correct date being in d13
the problem is sometimes it runs and sometimes it doesn't and I am at a loss to know why, is the code faulty or something on my PC, I have windows 8.1 and office 2013
as far as I understand if I have the sub open and click run it should run but it doesn't does this tell you anything
BUT when I click on a sheet in workbook message comes up this cell is locked it will run sometimes but I get message after it has run grey cross in a red circle and 40013295
thanks in advance dave

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim data
Dim entervalues_sh As Worksheet, lrow As Long
If ThisWorkbook.Name = "Btw.xlsm" Then
If Sheets("nofrillsbetfair").Range("d13") <> Date Then
If Time > TimeSerial(11, 0, 0) And Time <= TimeSerial(12, 30, 0) Then Application.Run "sheet2.CommandButton21_Click" Else Application.OnTime TimeSerial(11, 0, 0), "Btw.xlsm!Sheet2.CommandButton21_Click"
With Sheets("nofrillsbetfair")
.Unprotect "daveGood"
.Range("d13") = Date
.Protect "daveGood"
End With
End If
End If
Set entervalues_sh = Sheets("enter values")
lrow = entervalues_sh.Cells(Rows.Count, "w").End(xlUp).Row
If lrow = 1 Then Exit Sub
data = entervalues_sh.Range("w1:w" & lrow)
For i = 2 To lrow
If data(i, 1) <> "" Then
temp = Trim(data(i, 1))
If Len(temp) = 2 Then
itime = TimeSerial(temp, 0, 0)
ElseIf Len(temp) <> 5 Then
arr = Split(temp, ".")
itime = TimeSerial(arr(0), arr(1) * 10, 0)
arr = Split(temp, ".")
itime = TimeSerial(arr(0), arr(1), 0)
End If
Application.OnTime DateAdd("n", -IIf(Sheets("nofrillsbetfair").Range("f13") = 0, 4, Sheets("nofrillsbetfair").Range("f13")), itime), "Btw.xlsm!Sheet2.CommandButton22_Click"
End If
End Sub

05-04-2015, 04:00 PM
it looks like the sheet uses "daveGood" as the password to protect the sheet.

I believe you can choose "unprotect" from the Review tab in the ribbon,
then enter that password to alter the sheet.

05-05-2015, 01:25 AM
hi thanks for that but it is unlocked when needed and sometimes runs which is what I can't understand, it is intermittent, but then when it hasn't run a cell that should be unlocked is locked, it seems to unlock and lock itself at random:crying: and when it has run after it has finished get the rror in the picture below, trying to understand if it is a fault on my pc /office 2013 ot an error on the workbook

Hi Guys
I am new to this and have no knowledge of VBA whatsoever
any help appreciated with this please, would someone look at the code and tell me if there are any errors, from what I understand this book is set run between 11.00 and 12.30 and run command button 21 which loads data
then to run 4 mins before the time in f13 subject to correct date being in d13
the problem is sometimes it runs and sometimes it doesn't and I am at a loss to know why, is the code faulty or something on my PC, I have windows 8.1 and office 2013
as far as I understand if I have the sub open and click run it should run but it doesn't does this tell you anything
BUT when I click on a sheet in workbook message comes up this cell is locked it will run sometimes but I get message after it has run grey cross in a red circle and 40013295
thanks in advance dave

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

Dim data
Dim entervalues_sh As Worksheet, lrow As Long

If ThisWorkbook.Name = "Btw.xlsm" Then

If Sheets("nofrillsbetfair").Range("d13") <> Date Then
If Time > TimeSerial(11, 0, 0) And Time <= TimeSerial(12, 30, 0) Then Application.Run "sheet2.CommandButton21_Click" Else Application.OnTime TimeSerial(11, 0, 0), "Btw.xlsm!Sheet2.CommandButton21_Click"
With Sheets("nofrillsbetfair")
.Unprotect "daveGood"
.Range("d13") = Date
.Protect "daveGood"
End With
End If

End If

Set entervalues_sh = Sheets("enter values")

lrow = entervalues_sh.Cells(Rows.Count, "w").End(xlUp).Row
If lrow = 1 Then Exit Sub

data = entervalues_sh.Range("w1:w" & lrow)

For i = 2 To lrow
If data(i, 1) <> "" Then
temp = Trim(data(i, 1))
If Len(temp) = 2 Then
itime = TimeSerial(temp, 0, 0)
ElseIf Len(temp) <> 5 Then
arr = Split(temp, ".")
itime = TimeSerial(arr(0), arr(1) * 10, 0)
arr = Split(temp, ".")
itime = TimeSerial(arr(0), arr(1), 0)
End If
Application.OnTime DateAdd("n", -IIf(Sheets("nofrillsbetfair").Range("f13") = 0, 4, Sheets("nofrillsbetfair").Range("f13")), itime), "Btw.xlsm!Sheet2.CommandButton22_Click"
End If

End Sub

05-05-2015, 10:14 AM
you can add this to give a message box when the protection changes:

If Sheets("nofrillsbetfair").Range("d13") <> Date Then
If Time > TimeSerial(11, 0, 0) And Time <= TimeSerial(12, 30, 0) Then Application.Run "sheet2.CommandButton21_Click" Else Application.OnTime TimeSerial(11, 0, 0), "Btw.xlsm!Sheet2.CommandButton21_Click"
With Sheets("nofrillsbetfair")
.Unprotect "daveGood"
msgbox("I'm un protected now") ' to show when this code line ran
.Range("d13") = Date
.Protect "daveGood"
msgbox("I'm protected now") ' to show when this code line ran
End With
End If