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View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Populate Treeview with specified Windows Directory & Sub-folders/files

05-14-2015, 03:42 PM
Hey team,

Fist post on VBA Express so here goes.

The following code successfully populates my TreeView object "tvProjects" on my userform with Parent nodes which are generated from folder names within a specified window directory:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Dim tvsPath As String

'TreeView Function
tvsPath = dir("I:\02 Clients\" & Range("Q1") & "\Projects\" & Range("Q2") & "\*", vbDirectory)

While tvsPath <> ""
tvProjects.Nodes.Add Text:=tvsPath
tvsPath = dir

End SubMy issue is, I need to then add all sub-folders within each folder inside the windows directory to each relevant parent node as it would look in a windows explorer directory tree.

I Have searched for this solution on this board and all over the internet but no success in finding a solution. I cant even add a test node to the parent directory when trying to use the parent nodes text or key value etc.

I hope this all makes sense, I am pretty novice with VBA programming.

Im using windows 7
VBA 7.1
VBA Knowledge: Beginner
I only have Microsoft Treeview Control, version 5.0 (SP2) installed on my machine and i believe on all other machines in the office.


Luke Kelsen

05-14-2015, 11:29 PM
welcome to the forum.

you can download a ready to use file here.


05-17-2015, 07:56 PM
Thank you mancubus,

I have looked at this and thought it would be a bit complicated for my experience. I have however downloaded the example worksheet and could easily change it to visually suit my application.

Only thing I am stuck on is that I want to replace the "Browse for Folder" part of this application with an already defined directory path which would be a string in cell "S1" of my worksheet.

Would you know how to go about this? Would it be easier if you had a copy of my Excel workbook and code?


Luke Kelsen

05-18-2015, 12:21 AM
you are welcome.

TopFolderName = BrowseFolder("Select A Folder For The TreeView")

TopFolderName = Worksheets("WSNameHere").Range("S1").Value

Private Sub btnLoadTree_Click()

05-18-2015, 06:09 PM
you are welcome.

TopFolderName = BrowseFolder("Select A Folder For The TreeView")

TopFolderName = Worksheets("WSNameHere").Range("S1").Value

Private Sub btnLoadTree_Click()

Thanks again, both of your solutions have proved successful :yes

Appreciate your input, I was stuck for over a week at work trying to sort this out! How do I mark this as solved again?



05-18-2015, 10:40 PM
Select Thread Tools option and go from there

05-19-2015, 12:53 PM
Select Thread Tools option and go from there

Cheers Aussiebear :content: