View Full Version : Double filter in VBA code

05-21-2015, 08:00 AM
Hi all,

would you be able to advise how to apply two conditions in filter please?

The thing is, that I need to filter only dates befor actual month and year in the same time. For example, today is 21.05.2015 so I need only entries related at latest to 31.4.2015. It's not able for me to change format to date and do easy function with dates, because this is output from internal system and format couldn't be change.

Sub FilterMonths()

Set original009 = Sheets("Original Input")

Dim datum As Date
Dim z As Integer

datum = Date

actualMonth = DatePart("m", datum)
actualYear = DatePart("y", datum)

z = 14

original009.Range("J13") = "Month2"
original009.Range("K13") = "Year2"

Do While (original009.Cells(z, 9) <> "")

original009.Cells(z, 10) = Mid(original009.Cells(z, 9), 4, 2)
original009.Cells(z, 11) = Mid(original009.Cells(z, 9), 7, 4)

z = z + 1


original009.Range("C13:K10000").AutoFilter Field:=8, Criteria1:="<>" & actualMonth, Field:=9, Criteria2:="<>" & actualYear

End Sub

And the input looks like this:

Thank you a lot!

05-21-2015, 02:51 PM
This will convert them to Dates.

Option Explicit

Sub ConvertToDate()
Dim Cel As Range
Dim DateRange As Range

Set DateRange = Intersect(Range("C:C"), UsedRange) 'Edit Range Column to suit

For Each Cel In DateRange
Cel = CDate(Cel)
End Sub