View Full Version : Auto fill/graph on button click

05-23-2015, 01:38 AM
i have a question about excel. I have created a sheet which populates and calculates entries via a userform. The user submits and all the values transfer nicely. This is working really well. the result of all the values that are entered effectively return two cells that the user can see. A1 shows the amount of an item required, A2 shows the price.

is it possible the add a button which make excel automatically display a chart which which shows how the price will vary depending on the amount of an item that is required? Once the userform is closed, the only variable will be A1. Being able to set the minimum and maximum range for the chart would be helpful.

To put this into context. I often receive enquiries for 10kg of a product. The price will Depend on the values that go into the userform. Sometimes it will be a lot cheaper to supply just 9kg. Sometimes it will the same price to supply 12kg. Being able to see how the price fluctuates would be helpful.

any assistance that can be provided would be enormously helpful.


05-25-2015, 09:58 AM
This problem has been solved.