View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Help Modify XML Data

05-29-2015, 02:05 AM
Hello people I need to a code that makes following things:

I have got this XML code,

I had help making to create line breaks in the file. I want following:, if you look, it's several sections, starting tag and end

that can be x number of (rootelement for each section) <file> * </ file> x times. the modified tags will be inside of and tags: example in the file I sent: (it can be any line but the structure is always the same)

line 11:

<inContextExact segments="60" words="55" characters="755" placeables="3" tags="0" />
replace 55 with 0

<inContextExact segments="60" words="0" characters="755" placeables="3" tags="0" />

next tag is:


<crossFileRepeated segments="2" words="20" characters="0" placeables="0" tags="0" />
Cut two words "20" and replace with 0

<crossFileRepeated segments="2" words="0" characters="0" placeables="0" tags="0" />

line 15:
<repeated segments="17" words="34" characters="293" placeables="2" tags="0" />

add the value 20 to the tag words="34"

line 15:
<repeated segments="17" words="54" characters="293" placeables="2" tags="0" />

Here is my code I got so far. (VBA) if you want to rewrite the code in any other lang is it OK! as long the result is fine.
(the only thing my VBA code do its look for >< replace with >\n\r<) because the XML file is 1 line.

Sub XMLSolve()
Dim FSO As Object '//FileSystemObject
Dim ts(1) As Object '//TextStream
Dim s As String, t As String
Dim FileContents As String

Const SEARCH_FOR As String = "><"
Const REPLACE_WITH As String = ">" & vbCrLf & "<"

s = "<123><456><789>"

On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
s = Application.GetOpenFilename()
If s <> "False" Then
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If FSO.FileExists(s) Then

'//Get File Contents
t = FSO.GetParentFolderName(s) & "\" & Replace(FSO.GetTempName(), ".tmp", ".xml")
Name s As t
Set ts(0) = FSO.OpenTextFile(t, 1, False, -2) '//For reading, use default encoding
FileContents = ts(0).ReadAll
Set ts(0) = Nothing

'//Make replacement
FileContents = Replace(FileContents, SEARCH_FOR, REPLACE_WITH)

'//Write new file contents
Set ts(1) = FSO.OpenTextFile(s, 2, True, -2) '//For writing, use default encoding
ts(1).Write (FileContents)
Set ts(1) = Nothing

'//Delete Temp file if all actions succeeded
FSO.DeleteFile (t)

End If
End If

'//Check that all files are closed
If Not ts(0) Is Nothing Then
End If
If Not ts(1) Is Nothing Then
End If
Set FSO = Nothing
Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
Resume My_Exit
End Sub

Here is the XML file:

<task name="analyse">
<taskInfo taskId="21a09311-ade3-4e9a-af21-d13be8b7ba45" runAt="2015-05-20 13:48:50" runTime="5 minutes, 53 seconds">
<project name="13955 - HMI Volvo Truck PA15" number="e20d51c0-71dc-4572-8f9b-4c150bf35222" />
<language lcid="1031" name="German (Germany)" />
<tm name="ENG-DEU_en-GB_de-DE.sdltm" />
<settings reportInternalFuzzyLeverage="yes" reportLockedSegments="no" reportCrossFileRepetitions="yes" minimumMatchScore="70" searchMode="bestWins" missingFormattingPenalty="1" differentFormattingPenalty="1" multipleTranslationsPenalty="1" autoLocalizationPenalty="0" textReplacementPenalty="0" />
<file name="VT MAIN TRACK_PA15_Default_DE-DE_20150520_102527.xlf.sdlxliff" guid="111f9ba6-82f6-45fb-ac49-8bf6cf57c169">
<perfect segments="0" words="0" characters="0" placeables="0" tags="0" />
<inContextExact segments="60" words="55" characters="755" placeables="3" tags="0" /> ' Replace the Value word="55" with "0"
<exact segments="114" words="334" characters="1687" placeables="14" tags="3" />
<locked segments="0" words="0" characters="0" placeables="0" tags="0" />
<crossFileRepeated segments="2" words="20" characters="0" placeables="0" tags="0" /> 'Cut the value words="20" replace with 0
<repeated segments="17" words="34" characters="293" placeables="2" tags="0" /> 'add the value to current value 20 to 34 so the new value is words="54"
<total segments="449" words="1462" characters="7630" placeables="66" tags="24" />
<new segments="126" words="434" characters="2384" placeables="18" tags="5" />
<fuzzy min="75" max="84" segments="25" words="108" characters="528" placeables="6" tags="3" />
<fuzzy min="85" max="94" segments="23" words="92" characters="454" placeables="7" tags="4" />
<fuzzy min="95" max="99" segments="77" words="260" characters="1318" placeables="13" tags="6" />
<internalFuzzy min="75" max="84" segments="3" words="16" characters="100" placeables="2" tags="2" />
<internalFuzzy min="85" max="94" segments="4" words="25" characters="111" placeables="1" tags="1" />
<internalFuzzy min="95" max="99" segments="0" words="0" characters="0" placeables="0" tags="0" />
<file name="VT MAIN TRACK_PA15_Default_DE-DE_20150523_254796.xlf.sdlxliff" guid="111f9ba6-82f6-45fb-ac49-8bf6cf57c169">
<perfect segments="0" words="0" characters="0" placeables="0" tags="0" />
<inContextExact segments="60" words="67" characters="755" placeables="3" tags="0" /> ' Replace the Value word="67" with "0"
<exact segments="114" words="334" characters="1687" placeables="14" tags="3" />
<locked segments="0" words="0" characters="0" placeables="0" tags="0" />
<crossFileRepeated segments="2" words="35" characters="0" placeables="0" tags="0" /> 'Cut the value words="35" replace with 0
<repeated segments="17" words="54" characters="293" placeables="2" tags="0" /> 'add the value to current value 35 to 54 so the new value is words="89"
<total segments="449" words="1462" characters="7630" placeables="66" tags="24" />
<new segments="126" words="434" characters="2384" placeables="18" tags="5" />
<fuzzy min="75" max="84" segments="25" words="108" characters="528" placeables="6" tags="3" />
<fuzzy min="85" max="94" segments="23" words="92" characters="454" placeables="7" tags="4" />
<fuzzy min="95" max="99" segments="77" words="260" characters="1318" placeables="13" tags="6" />
<internalFuzzy min="75" max="84" segments="3" words="16" characters="100" placeables="2" tags="2" />
<internalFuzzy min="85" max="94" segments="4" words="25" characters="111" placeables="1" tags="1" />
<internalFuzzy min="95" max="99" segments="0" words="0" characters="0" placeables="0" tags="0" />
<perfect segments="0" words="0" characters="0" placeables="0" tags="0" />
<inContextExact segments="60" words="139" characters="755" placeables="3" tags="0" />
<exact segments="114" words="334" characters="1687" placeables="14" tags="3" />
<locked segments="0" words="0" characters="0" placeables="0" tags="0" />
<crossFileRepeated segments="0" words="0" characters="0" placeables="0" tags="0" />
<repeated segments="17" words="54" characters="293" placeables="2" tags="0" />
<total segments="449" words="1462" characters="7630" placeables="66" tags="24" />
<new segments="126" words="434" characters="2384" placeables="18" tags="5" />
<fuzzy min="75" max="84" segments="25" words="108" characters="528" placeables="6" tags="3" />
<fuzzy min="85" max="94" segments="23" words="92" characters="454" placeables="7" tags="4" />
<fuzzy min="95" max="99" segments="77" words="260" characters="1318" placeables="13" tags="6" />
<internalFuzzy min="75" max="84" segments="3" words="16" characters="100" placeables="2" tags="2" />
<internalFuzzy min="85" max="94" segments="4" words="25" characters="111" placeables="1" tags="1" />
<internalFuzzy min="95" max="99" segments="0" words="0" characters="0" placeables="0" tags="0" />

Could someone help me with a batchscript /script

Thank you in advance