View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Userform wont scroll down - VBA 2007 64-bit Windows 7

06-08-2015, 11:08 AM

I'm a chiropractor with just enough VBA knowledge to attempt a project to make report writing easier by having a huge userform where the doctor will input patients' information and the program will create the report in a Word document. I've have overcome many barriers with the help of nice posters (on a different forum) but I am stuck on what seems like a simple issue. My userform won't scroll down past 570, even though the design form Height is set to 1500 and the ScrollHeight is set to 3000. ScrollBars is set to 2-frmScrollBarsVertical. I can't progress any further in the project since the controls that I want to make functional can't be accessed in runtime. What makes this problem all the more frustrating is that the userform used to scroll down to 3000 no problem, but suddenly stopped working. I've researched my other forum, here and the internet and have seen no solution, or even the exact problem. I didn't get any help from the other forum (posted 2 weeks ago) so I decided to try here. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance!

06-08-2015, 06:36 PM
Hard to say without seeing your project. I would abandon the long form with a scrolling bar and use a multi-page control.

06-09-2015, 04:32 PM
Hi Greg,

I actually figured out the problem, for some reason I had, "Me.ScrollHeight = Me.Height" in the userform.activate event, and when I took it out the scrollbar worked. But I tried the Multipage control and liked it better so I've transferred everything to 3 Multipage pages (will probably have at least 10 by the end). Thanks for the suggestion.

06-10-2015, 04:20 AM
Glad to know you found your problem and that my suggestion was helpful.