06-15-2015, 02:44 PM
Hi all,
maybe I'm missing something obvious, but as I'm still a beginner and ran out of ideas, I hope, one of you is able to identify, what is going wrong in my actual project.
The idea of the project is, to give a user the chance to save some of his favorite creations to a hidden presentation with one click and get it back with another click on a another button. (Not the slide as a whole, but the objects he selected)
First piece of work was to create a macro, copying and saving the selected objects to a slide in a hidden presentation. This works well.
Second step was to create a macro copying these objects back to the active presentation. This works well, too.
Part 3 was to create a ribbon with two menus. An "Add to" menu with, e.g., 5 buttons, always button 1 related to slide 1 of the hidden presentation (copying the selection into it), button 2 related to slide 2 and so on. And the second menu is called "Insert", and the five buttons are related to the same slides, catching the content and copying it back to the active slide. This works well, too.
Well, of course, I don't want to force the user to remember forever what he added to the hidden slide 1, to slide 2, etc. He should have the chance to give things a name. So I created an input box to let him type a name. This name is saved as a name for the selected shapes (I mean the function "shape.Name"). Even this works well.
But now the ice is getting thin.
The idea to uses shape names came up, because I want to create dynamic buttons, catching the names with help of the getLabel function.
I created the following XML code - for testing purposes I only prepared the third button (Callback3 for adding to slide 3 of hidden presentation, Callback 8 for inserting from slide 3 of hidden presentation).
<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui" onLoad="RibbonControl.OnRibbonLoad" >
<ribbon startFromScratch="false">
<tab id="InputTab" label="Input Tab">
<group id="Input" label="Input">
<menu id="addfav" label="Add to MyFiles" screentip="Add to MyFiles" supertip="Select your favorite shapes on the slide and add them to your personal collection.">
<button id="addfav1" label="Add Me 01" onAction="Callback1"/>
<button id="addfav2" label="Add Me 02" onAction="Callback2"/>
<button id="addfav3" onAction="Callback3" getLabel = "RibbonControl.buttonLabel3"/>
<button id="addfav4" label="Add Me 04" onAction="Callback4"/>
<button id="addfav5" label="Add Me 05" onAction="Callback5"/>
<menu id="insfav" label="Insert MyFiles" screentip="Insert MyFiles" supertip="Insert your favorite shapes from your personal collection.">
<button id="insfav1" label="Empty 01" onAction="Callback6"/>
<button id="insfav2" label="Empty 02" onAction="Callback7"/>
<button id="insfav3" onAction="Callback8" getLabel = "RibbonControl.buttonLabel8"/>
<button id="insfav4" label="Empty 04" onAction="Callback9"/>
<button id="insfav5" label="Empty 05" onAction="Callback10"/>
I guess (although I'm not sure) this is okay. Validation says "Well formed".
Next was the VBA code to read the shape name and put it into the label.
Option Explicit
Dim oRibbon As IRibbonUI
'Callback for customUI.onLoad
Sub OnRibbonLoad(ribbon As IRibbonUI)
Set oRibbon = ribbon
End Sub
'Callback for addfav3 getLabel
Sub buttonLabel3(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
Select Case control.Id
Case Is = "addfav3"
returnedVal = Application.Presentations("C:\Users\Chef\Desktop\MyFiles.pptx").Slides(3).Shapes(1).Name
End Select
oRibbon.InvalidateControl "addfav3"
End Sub
Fact is, nothing happens, while debugging doesn't alert me as long as I don't close and re-open the presentation. Then it says: "Item MyFiles not found in the presentations collection." And this is leaving me helpless, as the presentation exists and is exactly where I defined. The macros for adding and inserting use the same path - and they work. So, the first question is: Is it impossible to use a path like this for "returnedVal"? If yes, what can I do? If not, what's wrong with mine?
Due to my lack of expertise there maybe more mistakes, but until now I didn't get that far, as debugging stops at the line with returnedVal and my thoughts circle around the question what might be wrong with my path. Maybe I return with other problems later ... (well, if you already see them coming, feel free to let me know ;-)
Thanks for your time and your thoughts!
Btw.: The name of the module is RibbonControl.
maybe I'm missing something obvious, but as I'm still a beginner and ran out of ideas, I hope, one of you is able to identify, what is going wrong in my actual project.
The idea of the project is, to give a user the chance to save some of his favorite creations to a hidden presentation with one click and get it back with another click on a another button. (Not the slide as a whole, but the objects he selected)
First piece of work was to create a macro, copying and saving the selected objects to a slide in a hidden presentation. This works well.
Second step was to create a macro copying these objects back to the active presentation. This works well, too.
Part 3 was to create a ribbon with two menus. An "Add to" menu with, e.g., 5 buttons, always button 1 related to slide 1 of the hidden presentation (copying the selection into it), button 2 related to slide 2 and so on. And the second menu is called "Insert", and the five buttons are related to the same slides, catching the content and copying it back to the active slide. This works well, too.
Well, of course, I don't want to force the user to remember forever what he added to the hidden slide 1, to slide 2, etc. He should have the chance to give things a name. So I created an input box to let him type a name. This name is saved as a name for the selected shapes (I mean the function "shape.Name"). Even this works well.
But now the ice is getting thin.
The idea to uses shape names came up, because I want to create dynamic buttons, catching the names with help of the getLabel function.
I created the following XML code - for testing purposes I only prepared the third button (Callback3 for adding to slide 3 of hidden presentation, Callback 8 for inserting from slide 3 of hidden presentation).
<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui" onLoad="RibbonControl.OnRibbonLoad" >
<ribbon startFromScratch="false">
<tab id="InputTab" label="Input Tab">
<group id="Input" label="Input">
<menu id="addfav" label="Add to MyFiles" screentip="Add to MyFiles" supertip="Select your favorite shapes on the slide and add them to your personal collection.">
<button id="addfav1" label="Add Me 01" onAction="Callback1"/>
<button id="addfav2" label="Add Me 02" onAction="Callback2"/>
<button id="addfav3" onAction="Callback3" getLabel = "RibbonControl.buttonLabel3"/>
<button id="addfav4" label="Add Me 04" onAction="Callback4"/>
<button id="addfav5" label="Add Me 05" onAction="Callback5"/>
<menu id="insfav" label="Insert MyFiles" screentip="Insert MyFiles" supertip="Insert your favorite shapes from your personal collection.">
<button id="insfav1" label="Empty 01" onAction="Callback6"/>
<button id="insfav2" label="Empty 02" onAction="Callback7"/>
<button id="insfav3" onAction="Callback8" getLabel = "RibbonControl.buttonLabel8"/>
<button id="insfav4" label="Empty 04" onAction="Callback9"/>
<button id="insfav5" label="Empty 05" onAction="Callback10"/>
I guess (although I'm not sure) this is okay. Validation says "Well formed".
Next was the VBA code to read the shape name and put it into the label.
Option Explicit
Dim oRibbon As IRibbonUI
'Callback for customUI.onLoad
Sub OnRibbonLoad(ribbon As IRibbonUI)
Set oRibbon = ribbon
End Sub
'Callback for addfav3 getLabel
Sub buttonLabel3(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
Select Case control.Id
Case Is = "addfav3"
returnedVal = Application.Presentations("C:\Users\Chef\Desktop\MyFiles.pptx").Slides(3).Shapes(1).Name
End Select
oRibbon.InvalidateControl "addfav3"
End Sub
Fact is, nothing happens, while debugging doesn't alert me as long as I don't close and re-open the presentation. Then it says: "Item MyFiles not found in the presentations collection." And this is leaving me helpless, as the presentation exists and is exactly where I defined. The macros for adding and inserting use the same path - and they work. So, the first question is: Is it impossible to use a path like this for "returnedVal"? If yes, what can I do? If not, what's wrong with mine?
Due to my lack of expertise there maybe more mistakes, but until now I didn't get that far, as debugging stops at the line with returnedVal and my thoughts circle around the question what might be wrong with my path. Maybe I return with other problems later ... (well, if you already see them coming, feel free to let me know ;-)
Thanks for your time and your thoughts!
Btw.: The name of the module is RibbonControl.