View Full Version : vba add-in will not bring new document to front

06-26-2015, 08:03 AM
Hi all vba-cracks

I've built a word Add-in with a Ribbon.
On this, i call the template letter.dotx with a button
Now, wenn i push the Ribbon-button "start letter.dotx" i get a new window "document99.docx", everything is alright except the window "document99.docx" is always behind all the others.
However i use ActiveWindow and ActiveDocument, is it not possible for me to bring the document99.docx to the front.

Have you any tipps please? I'm not really a programmer.
My vba-code is:

Static Sub btnwork()

Set btnworkWordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")

Select Case ribBtnContent
Case 1
BtnTemplatesFilepath = sSysTemplatePathComplete & ("\") & sBtn1Content
Case 2
BtnTemplatesFilepath = sSysTemplatePathComplete & ("\") & sBtn2Content 'this is configuring the letter.dotx for the call
Case 3
BtnTemplatesFilepath = sSysTemplatePathComplete & ("\") & sBtn3Content
Case 4
BtnTemplatesFilepath = sSysTemplatePathComplete & ("\") & sBtn4Content
Case 5
BtnTemplatesFilepath = sSysTemplatePathComplete & ("\") & sBtn5Content
Case 6
BtnTemplatesFilepath = sSysTemplatePathComplete & ("\") & sBtn6Content
End Select

btnworkWordApp.Documents.Add (BtnTemplatesFilepath) 'Das Dokument erstellen
btnworkWordApp.Visible = True

btnworkWordApp.Activate 'Aktiviere das letzterstellte Dokument

????? How to bring now the window document99.docx (or any other number) from back to the front????

'Errors abfangen
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Die Vorlage kann nicht aufgerufen werden" & vbCr & "Gründe: Vorlage nicht gefunden, Ordnerzugriff ungültig, Konfigurationsfehler", vbOKOnly, _
"Fehler beim Aufruf der Vorlage"

End Sub

06-26-2015, 04:24 PM
Dim NewDoc As Object
Set NewDoc = btnworkWordApp.Documents.Add (BtnTemplatesFilepath)