View Full Version : Set timer on PowerPoint Slide show and auto Run SlideShow Automatically

07-09-2015, 08:45 AM

Is there any way to set time for slideshow? I tried Application.Wait but cannot be used
And how to make slideshow run automatically once the presentation slide in opened. e.g in Excel we have Workbook_open Event.. how about ppt?

Please advise. Thanks

Sub LaunchSlideShowFromSlide(ByVal Pres As Presentation, ByVal SlideIndex As Long)

On Error Resume Next
With Pres.SlideShowSettings.Run
.View.GotoSlide SlideIndex
End With
End Sub

Sub Test()
For i = 1 To 11
LaunchSlideShowFromSlide ActivePresentation, i
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:03")
Next i
End Sub

07-09-2015, 10:45 AM
Not sure what you want to do but

1. I created simple slide test
2. Used [Transitions] to advance automatically after 2 sec
3. Used [Slide Show], [Set up Slideshow] and ShowType = Kiosk
4. Saved it a as a PP Slideshow (.PPSX)

When I double click that it runs and loops automatically

Maybe you could do something with that

07-09-2015, 06:23 PM
Hi Paul,

PowerPoint VBA is something new for me. I only familiar with Excel VBA.
Perhaps you may provide a sample of code.

I have 11 slides to run slideshow with transition applied. each slide take around 10 seconds to be displayed. I want to run until end of slides.

Another problem is how to make it automatically run once the file is opened?.. in Excel we have Workbook_open Event to execute the task

Thanks for willing to help me.

07-10-2015, 07:12 AM
Sure -- try something like this

No need for VBA at all

The PPTX file is the 'normal' powerpoint, and the PPSX is the Powerpoint slide show.

Save both and double click the PPSX to see if you like it

You will have to remove (rename) the .zip part off since you have to fool the uploader for PPSX files. No need to really unzip it; just rename it

07-10-2015, 06:21 PM
Hi Paul,

Probably you misunderstood, I am creating PowerPoint Slide from Excel Workbook. Once Completed, I want to make the slides automatically Open and run SlideShow with setting of 5 seconds for each slide until end and quit the application. It would be nice you could also provide a sample of inserting transition between each slide.

Thus, I really need a macro to run.

Attached here my Excel Workbook to create PowerPoint Slide and save. Then, is next step is to run the slide.. Please help me

07-11-2015, 06:54 AM
Ahh - I really misunderstood.

Sorry, but that's way beyond my limited skills

Hopefully someone else will be able to help

07-11-2015, 07:10 AM
Hi Paul,

Never mind, I appreciate your effort to help me.

Hopefully someone else, like John Wilson will help me..