View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Attempting to extract 3 column listbox values after adding new row

08-03-2015, 04:13 PM
Hello VBAExpress community,

I'm working on a Calendar project and have hit a stumbling block.
I have a userform with a listbox that gets populated from a sheet range when the userform initializes.
On the form we can add items to the listbox.
I am attempting to build an array of the new ListCount, but only get my original list.
I can remove from the list and the removal is reflected, but additions are disregarded.
If any one can see what I'm missing I would appreciate the illumination:

Sub insertBills_UF()
Dim a, b, r, c, x, I, J As Long
Dim lbCnt As Integer
Dim wsNC, wsB As Worksheet
Dim aBills()

Set wsNC = Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Set wsB = Sheets("Bills")

lbCnt = 0
lbCnt = CalendarOpts.lbBills.ListCount - 1

ReDim aBills(0 To lbCnt, 0 To 2)

For a = 0 To lbCnt
aBills(a, 0) = CalendarOpts.lbBills.List(a, 0)
aBills(a, 1) = CalendarOpts.lbBills.List(a, 1)
aBills(a, 2) = CalendarOpts.lbBills.List(a, 2)
Next a

With wsNC
For b = 0 To lbCnt
For r = 3 To 38 Step 6
For c = 1 To 7
If .Cells(r, c) = aBills(b, 2) Then
For x = 1 To 5
If .Cells(r + x, c).Value = "" Then
.Cells(r + x, c).Value = aBills(b, 0) & "-" & aBills(b, 1)
Exit For
End If
Next x
End If
Next c
Next r
Next b
End With
End Sub

08-03-2015, 04:20 PM

Here is my file as I have it so far.

The idea is you can enter a bill name, amount, and day due.
Then update the Month and year fields, then click make calendar.
That works fine,
But you can also click the Load Actions Menu button to further control what is on the calendar.


It all works rather well except the add bills button.
Thank you for your attention.

08-04-2015, 10:35 AM
I got it working, I added a userform initialize call after the list box gets updated.
I also added a button to send the list box values back to the worksheet.
Here are the results.
Hope this helps people out there that want a way to print out a monthly calendar for the fridge to know what bills are coming up.
The Actions menu gives a lot of tools to customize what goes on the calendar.
