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View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Some incorrect results from a formula

08-09-2015, 10:40 AM
Hi All,

I have a formula in Column O that I am having some issues with. At first I thought the formula was good until I notice that I was getting the incorrect results (specifically in row 24) in the highlighted row.

Formula in O24 is


Based on the formula I was expecting to to get the results of I24 to show in O24 instead I was given the results of $F24-$D24 even though I24 is not blank.

The other cells in column O are producing the correct the results except for that cell.

Can someone help me correct the formula?

Thanks in advance

08-09-2015, 11:35 AM
I found a way to re-write the formula

=IF(N24="","",MIN(IF($I24="",$F24-$D24,MOD($I24,1)),IFERROR(INDEX($AF$1:$AF$3,MATCH(K24,$AE$1:$AE$3,0)),K24)) )