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View Full Version : Updates on Vlookup/VBA regarding scan components

08-10-2015, 11:47 PM
Hi All,

I have posted a new thread here.can somebody help me to complete my task here.



08-11-2015, 12:53 AM
Actually, the respondent on Excelforum gave you some really good advice, yet I see that you have failed to understand the request. Please explain what you have as an issue rather than just hoping that complete strangers will open your files. If they are interested then they can open the files. I also note that you are trying to redirect participants in this forum to another forum. Please don't do that again.

08-11-2015, 01:59 AM
Sorry Brother.Apologize .In the attached doc i have explained pictorially that cannot be done deeply in the thread site.So i kept like that for better understanding.
Can you give me some ideas to complete my job.

08-11-2015, 04:10 PM
Not until you add a description of the issue at hand, then if anyone is still interested they might open your file to look further.

Put simply;
1. Tell us in your own words what you think the issue is,
2. Attach your file by clicking on Go Advanced, scroll down to manage attachments and follow the prompts from there;
3. Please understand that for reasons of internet security, most people are very reluctant to open files from somebody they do not know.

08-11-2015, 10:37 PM
Dear Aussie,

Per your advice im here adding the points.

As Per Experts advice am just adding the some points here.

The Coach Auction 04082015_test1.XLS will be the output sheet:

1.First the P251750168 needs to go to the pricing tab (if not already present)

Note: In the pricing tab the Type,Name,Bid on Unit,Commodity,Bid Improvement,Column K,Column L are the constants and that is same for all rows

2.Then the same P251750168 needs to go to the “Item Participants” tab (If not already present)

3.Then we need to check If the invited vendor (P990205) against P251750168 is already on the “Participants” sheet or not.
We need to Vlookup the P990205 in the VENDORS tab and return the email address

4.If not there, you need to copy the email address and the name

5.Then we need to also place the vendor to the item participants tab, and also place an “Invited” string behind that item against which the vendor is invited

The files can be downlodaed from here : http://www.excelforum.com/excel-general/1098360-scan-market-components-updates-using-vba-vlook-up.html

Thanks in advance

08-12-2015, 02:57 AM
So in effect this is a multi question thread. Normally we have just one main question per thread ( since this helps when people search for particular information).

Okay please explain what is P251750168? I'm assuming its a group of information ( Type, Name, Bid on Unit etc). You need to remember we are completely new to this project of yours. Take your time and explain what you have for us to look at.

BTW: It seems you have the same issue over at excel forum. Let us go forward with just the issue of P251750168 and checking if it exists on Pricing & Items Participant tabs

08-12-2015, 07:12 AM
Hi Aussie,

Just check the Coach Auction 04082015_test1.XLS, that’s the expected outcome!
“P251750168 and checking if it exists on Pricing & Items Participant tabs”
yes… P251750168 needs to go to the Item Participants and Pricing tab.
