View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Excel Macro to save with Current Date?

08-31-2015, 04:04 AM
I have a spreadsheet which I need to save every day and if possible, I'd like to create a VBA to do this for me as it would be quicker.

I need it to save to: W:\Common\PricingReports\Daily

The file name would be: 'Daily Automated BB Prices Upload ' and then the date after it (eg. Daily Automated BB Prices Upload 31/08/2015)

is this possible at all..? All help is greatly appreciated!

EDIT:: Found solution myself :)

09-02-2015, 09:20 PM
@ roxnoxsox
Would you be so kind and show the solution for other people that look for a fix for the same problem.
Thank you very much.

09-24-2015, 08:15 AM
Yep, no problem! See the code I used as below:

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs ("W:\Common\Pricing Reports\Daily\Daily Automated BB Prices Upload " _
& Format(Now(), "DD-MM-YYYY") & ".xlsx")