View Full Version : [SLEEPER:] Randomly distribution a number into a range of cells in VBA

09-09-2015, 05:31 AM
Hi all,
I need your help in the following issue:
In the attached VBA excel file, there are two sheets the first one which is 'Collection' and the second one which is 'Max_Collection'. The Collection sheet includes the code of the model, when you run it, you will see numbers, times, letters are generated. The second one includes the maximum collection number for each company with the container size and type.

What I am trying to achieve is to distribute (spread) the maximum collection number in the 'Max_Collection' sheet for each company within weeks, days, and times that are generated in the 'Collection' sheet in each run.

In the 'collection' sheet the weeks are generated in columns (F, M, T), serial numbers are generated in columns (I, P, W), the times are generated in columns (J, Q, X), and the collection numbers are generated in columns (G, N, U).

I will be very grateful if anyone of you can assist me in this issue asap please.


09-09-2015, 05:55 AM
what is wrong with this thread:


09-09-2015, 06:34 AM
OP actually did start a new thread like Ken suggested, but probably forgot the change the title

I can not see how your file relates to your first question. Maybe you should have started another thread?.

I was confused also at first, but (personally) find long requirements-creep/requirements-change threads confusing also.

So I'm with Ken for starting another thread

09-09-2015, 06:42 AM
thanks Paul.

imho, when there is an existing thread, a new thread on the same (or related) requirement should not be opened before locking/deleting the previous one.

09-10-2015, 06:30 AM
thanks Paul.

imho, when there is an existing thread, a new thread on the same (or related) requirement should not be opened before locking/deleting the previous one.

Yes, especially with the same title