View Full Version : How to use MS Word Spell checker to spellcheck Excel Textbox

09-11-2015, 03:23 AM
Is there a way to use MS Word to spell/grammar check an Active X Textbox value in an Excel document? I have seen several examples of code on the web, but do not know how to apply it. btw I'm using Office 2013.
See sample code below:

Private Sub SpellCheck_Click()

Dim objWord As Object
Dim objDoc As Object
Dim strResult As String
Const QUOTE = """"

On Error GoTo ErrorRoutine

App.OleRequestPendingTimeout = 999999
Set objWord = GetObject("Word.Application")
If TypeName(objWord) <> "Nothing" Then
' Word is already open
Set objWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
' Create an instance of Word
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
End If

Select Case objWord.version
'Office 2000 and later
Case "9.0", "10.0", "11.0", "14.0"
Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add(, , 1, True)
'Office 97
Case "8.0"
Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add
Case "Else"
MsgBox "Sorry but your version of Word seems to be " & QUOTE & objWord.version _
& QUOTE & " and that version is not currently supported.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Spelling Checker"
Exit Sub
End Select

objDoc.Content = Text1.Text
objWord.Visible = False

strResult = Left(objDoc.Content, Len(objDoc.Content) - 1)
' Reformat carriage returns
strResult = Replace(strResult, Chr(13), Chr(13) & Chr(10))

If Text1.Text = strResult Then
' There were no errors, so give the user a
' visual signal that something happened
MsgBox "No changes made", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Spelling Checker"
End If

'Clean up
objDoc.Close False
Set objDoc = Nothing
objWord.Application.Quit True
Set objWord = Nothing

' Replace the selected text with the corrected text. It's important that
' this be done after the "Clean Up" because otherwise there are problems
' with the screen not repainting
Text1.Text = strResult

Exit Sub


Select Case Err.Number
Case -2147221020
' There's no instance of Word so continue processing in order to create one
Resume Next
Case 429
MsgBox "Word must be installed in order for this code to work", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Spelling Checker"
End Select

End Sub