View Full Version : Import DB information into specific fied in HTML website

09-14-2015, 12:45 PM
Hi All

I am working in a new project to search some information in a specific website. This website contains some fields(texbox) to filter information and launch a specific report.

I have one FTE working in this task every day. He is writting this information in a specific texbox manually. My idea is build a vba Application that...

1) import txt file to database ==> DONE.
2) Extract 300 records/day ==> DONE.
3) vba APP copy each record in a specific textbox. ==> Pending.
4) vba extract information about URL ==> Done using clipboard..

do you know if is possible introduce information contained in access database into specific field in HTML? is not possible?

Best Regards

09-15-2015, 10:12 PM
It may be possible depending on the web site's design. It is common practice for site to make it difficult for web bots (automation) to do what you are asking. This helps protect there data.

If you are using Access 201 or later then you can use the new native Web Browser Control (WBC). This will allow you to view the web page on an Access form and interact with it using VBA code.

See: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Add-Web-browsing-to-a-form-8EC2FE67-1B19-4F04-92B6-EB7660C1FD53