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View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Trouble with Comboboxes

09-14-2015, 03:41 PM
Hey guys,
Trying to have a combobox on a splash screen, where depending on what is selected, variables are assigned certain values. Here is what I've got:

Sub LaunchGen()
' LaunchGen Macro

Dim QD As Shape
Dim sht As Worksheet
Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Generator")
Set QD = sht.Shapes("QuarterDropdown")

Select Case QtrYr

Case QD.Value = "Q1 2015"
YearQTR = "20151"
SummaryString = "Scorecard - 1st Quarter 2015"
CostString = "Cost - 1st Quarter 2015"
QualityString = "Quality - 1st Quarter 2015"
ScheduleString = "Schedule - 1st Quarter 2015"

Case QD.Value = "Q2 2015"
YearQTR = "20152"
SummaryString = "Scorecard - 2nd Quarter 2015"
CostString = "Cost - 2nd Quarter 2015"
QualityString = "Quality - 2nd Quarter 2015"
ScheduleString = "Schedule - 2nd Quarter 2015"

Case QD.Value = "Q3 2015"
YearQTR = "20153"
SummaryString = "Scorecard - 3rd Quarter 2015"
CostString = "Cost - 3rd Quarter 2015"
QualityString = "Quality - 3rd Quarter 2015"
ScheduleString = "Schedule - 3rd Quarter 2015"

End Select


End Sub

The error I get is: "Object doesn't support this property or method".
Any ideas? Thanks.

EDIT: Got what I needed. Made it an ActiveX combobox and did this:

Select Case QtrYr
Case Sheets("Generator").QuarterDropdown.Value = "Q1 2015"
YearQTR = "20151"
SummaryString = "Scorecard - 1st Quarter 2015"
CostString = "Cost - 1st Quarter 2015"
QualityString = "Quality - 1st Quarter 2015"
ScheduleString = "Schedule - 1st Quarter 2015"

Case Sheets("Generator").QuarterDropdown.Value = "Q2 2015"
YearQTR = "20152"
SummaryString = "Scorecard - 2nd Quarter 2015"
CostString = "Cost - 2nd Quarter 2015"
QualityString = "Quality - 2nd Quarter 2015"
ScheduleString = "Schedule - 2nd Quarter 2015"

Case Sheets("Generator").QuarterDropdown.Value = "Q3 2015"
YearQTR = "20153"
SummaryString = "Scorecard - 3rd Quarter 2015"
CostString = "Cost - 3rd Quarter 2015"
QualityString = "Quality - 3rd Quarter 2015"
ScheduleString = "Schedule - 3rd Quarter 2015"

09-14-2015, 06:08 PM
Thank you for updating with the solution.