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View Full Version : Code to extract Html from deeper than I am able to

09-18-2015, 12:58 AM
Edit: Pictures can be found in better sizes in first reply below.

Hello! I am new to Web Scraping, so I don't know very much about how to extract information effectively yet.

I am trying to extract the date you can see in the picture in an effective manner. This is a search result that contains more than one item, so I want to extract multiple dates to compare which one is the newest.


The div with id= "ctl00_FullRegion_uxSearchResultContainer_ucItemList_rptItems_ctl00_myItemIn formation_pnlName" is the same for every item, just that the last "ct100" becomes "ct101" and so on. The first "ct100" stays the same in all the elements.

This next image view the relevant code for two elements from one of the searches I am going to automate.


I hope someone out there understands what I am trying to do, and are able to help me :)

Thanks in advance!


09-18-2015, 01:01 AM
go to "postimg (dot) org" and put these links in to see the full size images.
