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View Full Version : MS- Word Error Expected white space error on ms word .docx document

09-26-2015, 02:06 AM
Hello Experts,I am cannot open my MS-word.docx document. The error it get is White space expected:Part:/word/docment, XML,Line,2 Column:642733.I've tried everything I can think of! Including:Saving it as a .zip file. Which it won'tSaving it as .txt: Which It will- But no help.Looking at it in word pad: Still no help.How can I find:,Line,2 Column:642733. and correct it? or at least save what Ive written to that point.I have no idea what happened to cause this other than the flash drive didn't update on my last save...Please please Help.. hours of work were invested....Thank you,

09-26-2015, 09:05 PM
Document corruption is a common problem when saving directly to removable media. Always copy to the hard drive to work on or print any Word file.
Whether the document is salvageable is difficult to say, but you can access its internal file structure if you open the file (if it is not too badly corrupted) with WinRar or WinZip.

It is a bit like shutting the stable door after the horse has left, but the problem could have been avoided by using http://www.gmayor.com/SaveInTwoPlacesAddIn.htm