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View Full Version : [SOLVED:] SaveAs Error

10-06-2015, 01:41 PM

I am trying to use a code to create a SaveAs button for my Workbook.

Here is the code:

Public Sub SaveProjectAs(control As IRibbonControl)
'Saves the Workbook as a new file to preserve the data in the project.

'Declare the Variables for Saving the File
Dim fileSaveName As String
Dim techSaveName As String
Dim customerSaveName As String

'Declare the Variables for the Directory Path
Dim fileRootPath As String
Dim fileSavePath As String

'Declare the Varialbles for the Input Boxes
Dim contractorInput As String
Dim operatorInput As String
Dim techInput As String
Dim customerInput As String

'Unhide the sheets if still hidden
Call UnhideWorksheets

'Make the System Selection page the focus point
Application.Goto Sheets("Rig Survey Form").Range("B4"), True

'Check the Customer Name & Field Tech Name fields for content. If there, use the content, if not provide an input box for entering the data.

With Sheets("Rig Survey Form")
If .Range("D4").Value = "" Then
contractorInput = InputBox("Please enter the Drilling Contractor Name.", "Drilling Contractor Name")
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = contractorInput
End If
If .Range("C6").Value = "" Then
operatorInput = InputBox("Please fill in the Operator Name.", "Operator Name")
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = operatorInput
End If
End With

Application.Goto Sheets("System Selection").Range("B4"), True

With Sheets("System Selection")
If .Range("B6").Value = "" Then
techInput = InputBox("Please fill in the Field Tech's Name.", "Field Tech Name")
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = techInput
End If
If .Range("B4").Value = "" Then
customerInput = InputBox("Please fill in the Customer Name.", "Customer Name")
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = customerInput
End If

fileSaveName = CleanFileName(.Range("B6").Value) & " - IBU Inventory BOM" & ".xlsm"
techSaveName = CleanFileName(.Range("B6").Value) & "\"
customerSaveName = CleanFileName(.Range("B4").Value) & "\"
End With

'Set the Root Path

fileRootPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"

'Set the sub paths

fileSavePath = fileRootPath & customerSaveName & techSaveName & fileSaveName

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=fileSavePath & fileSaveName

End Sub

I realize the code is a little bulky and it asks the user to fill in the Contractor and Operator fields, then doesn't seem to use them for anything. But that is because the Customer field is really a Drop Menu that is populated from those two fields. I also realize that entering the data via the Input box makes filling those in moot, but most the users won't and I don't want them to get used to using the SaveAs button to fill in the data, there are other methods for that.

The two functions called are the UnhideWorksheets (this works fine) and the CleanFileName one:

Function CleanFileName(sFileName As String, Optional ReplaceInvalidwith As String = "") As String
'Removes invalid filename characters

Const InvalidChars As String = "%~:\/?*<>|"""
Dim ThisChar As Long
CleanFileName = sFileName
For ThisChar = 1 To Len(InvalidChars)
CleanFileName = Replace(CleanFileName, Mid(InvalidChars, ThisChar, 1), ReplaceInvalidwith)
End Function

The code works fine all the way to the part where it tries to save the file.

I'm getting this error code:

I can't see a reason for it not to work, but it isn't.

I'm not dead set on using this version and am open to other suggestions.

10-06-2015, 04:38 PM
Did you want to add fileSaveName into to the part, and then also into the Filename:= ...?

fileSavePath = fileRootPath & customerSaveName & techSaveName & fileSaveName
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=fileSavePath & fileSaveName

I'd have thought something like

fileSavePath = fileRootPath & customerSaveName & techSaveName

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=fileSavePath & fileSaveName

10-06-2015, 05:17 PM
That was a good catch. I have made that change, but it still isn't working. I'm still getting the same error.

10-06-2015, 06:52 PM
I figured it out.

The original code:

fileSaveName = CleanFileName(.Range("B6").Value) & " - IBU Inventory BOM" & ".xlsm"
techSaveName = CleanFileName(.Range("B6").Value) & "\"
customerSaveName = CleanFileName(.Range("B4").Value) & "\"

The fixed code:

fileSaveName = "IBU Inventory BOM" & ".xlsm"
techSaveName = CleanFileName(.Range("B6").Value) & " - "
customerSaveName = CleanFileName(.Range("B4").Value) & " - "

The part that really fixed it was changing the "\" to " - ". Using the slashes, it was trying to create more directories.

The rest of the minor changes to the code there simply removed a duplication within the final name.