View Full Version : About adding autonumber with vba in MSWord

10-20-2015, 08:48 PM
I have a variable called Rng1 (range) stored the followings:

(a) The 1st line
(b) The second line with some images as inlineshape
and so on....

i want to paste it onto another Range called Rng2.

I use the following lines

ActiveDocument.Rng2.FormattedText = Rng1

It works, it give me the following

(a) The 1st line
(b) The second line with some images as inlineshape
and so on....

Then I want to add a auto numbering on the 1st line. I would like the result like the following
1. (a) The 1st Line
(b) The second line with some images as inlineshape
and so on

I tried the following line


But the result give me

1. The 1st Line
(b) The second line with some images as inlineshape
and so on

It seems some auto correct function in Word eat my "(a)" and replace it with "1."

Any ideas ?

Many Thanks
*first time to post in this forum, forgive me if i made any mistakes.

10-20-2015, 10:16 PM
If the letters (a) and (b) are plain text rather than autonumbers then the following should work. If they are autonumbers you will have to convert them to text first.

Dim orng as range
Set orng = orng2.Paragraphs(1).Range
orng.Collapse 1
orng.Fields.Add orng, wdFieldListNum

10-21-2015, 07:17 AM
If the letters (a) and (b) are plain text rather than autonumbers then the following should work. If they are autonumbers you will have to convert them to text first.

Dim orng as range
Set orng = orng2.Paragraphs(1).Range
orng.Collapse 1
orng.Fields.Add orng, wdFieldListNum

Thanks for your answer.
I tried. it works!
But i want to make it perfect.

a few requests
i tried your code.

(a) the 1st line
(b) the 2nd line
and so on...

1)(a) the 1st line
(b) the 2nd line
and so on...

I want to change the 1) numbering to 1.[with a Tab] and control the indent.

My imagine result

(a) the 1st line<<<<<<someehow i cannot align the thing properly, hope you understand

(b) the 2nd line

and so on...

May i have some direction?. Any tips?

Many Thanks

10-21-2015, 09:53 PM
Assuming orng2 (not defined in your questions) is a selected range of paragraphs then

Dim orng As Range, oRng2 As Range
Dim i As Long

With oRng2
.ParagraphFormat.TabStops.Add Position:=InchesToPoints(0.25), _
Alignment:=wdAlignTabLeft, _
End With
oRng2.Paragraphs(1).Range.InsertBefore vbTab
Set orng = oRng2.Paragraphs(1).Range
orng.Collapse 1
orng.Fields.Add orng, wdFieldListNum, "LegalDefault"
For i = 2 To oRng2.Paragraphs.Count
oRng2.Paragraphs(i).Range.InsertBefore vbTab
Next i
is one way of achieving your aim. Adjust the size of the tab setting to taste. Here .25"

10-23-2015, 03:14 PM
Thx gmayor!

your code seems using something called "field" to add a number in front of my 1st line of the paragraph. Your code work well with some of my situation ( i have a loop , need to repeat adding the number list ). But for some reasons (The formatting problem again with the tabs position, indent , etc). Your code cannot fits me for the whole documents (I need to repeat adding the number list for about 100+ times)

i am guessing and finding the option in ms word that can disable the auto correct function which make my (a) auto corrected to 1. <<the number list
Do you have any idea?
If i found that option and disable it through the code. I think its the best solution i want.

Many Thanks.

1 more question.
As i mentioned. i need to repeat add number list on some of the paragraph (Let say paragraph 1, paragraph 10, paragraph 12, paragraph 20,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)

my stupid way is to set up a loop and goto each paragraph and add the number list which is very slow if i need to loop 500+ times

is there a way to select all the paragraph at once (like store all the required paragraph in a range or something) then apply the format to that range??