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View Full Version : Find Matches for a Range of multiple criteria?

12-08-2015, 03:05 AM
From the attachment, I have a reference Table in col's A~D. Cols F~I contain the Sample set. I need a formula to paste alongside each range of four values in col J (I've inserted one, but it's not working?). The formula is to find whether the range of values, in the exact order as displayed in say F2:I2, has a match in cols A:D? I've provided the answer manually in col K. I've done this previously using Conditional Format and a Match formula, that colours the matching ranges.

The real life situation is the sample table can be half a million rows high and reference table 25000 rows high. Using that method seriously hangs excel! Hence the need for a formula, but it's eluding me?
Cheers in anticipation.

12-08-2015, 11:54 AM
Solved it, just needed some sleep. Use an array formula using index match with a helper column added to reference table.