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View Full Version : Excel 2010 Macro Security

12-25-2015, 11:19 AM
For Excel 2010, I have macros set to "disable all macros with notification".

The first time I start a file, I get the notification and allow the macro. However, upon closing Excel and reloading the same file, the notification does not come up and the macro is automatically enabled. If I change the filename and reload, then the notification comes up.

Is this the expected behavior? It seems pretty unsecure. For example, if someone emailed me a legitimate file, I could adjust it and when they read it back on their end the macros would automatically be enabled. Maybe the confirmation on the Excel end is that the file size and date must be exactly the same too, before automatically allowing macros to be enabled?

12-25-2015, 04:07 PM
google it.

for example see title "How to Run a Macro Even if Running Macros is disabled" at http://www.exceltrick.com/how_to/enable-macros-in-excel/

12-25-2015, 04:46 PM
That isn't what I am talking about though. In fact, it is contradictory to what I experienced.

In this case, it would be "2. Disable all macros with notification: In this settings the macros are disabled but still each time when you open an excel sheet with a macro it will ask you if you want to run the macro or not."

The file I am referring to is not in a trusted location. Yet, it will automatically activate macros even when "disable all macros with notification" is selected.

FYI, I also tried disabling all trusted locations (just to be sure) and the file still opens with macros enabled (contradictory to the user request to ask for notification). So something isn't quite adding up to me.