View Full Version : Define New Valid Folder Name

01-11-2016, 08:12 PM
Cross posted in Microsoft Office forums:

I'm working on a project where the user is required to identify a new unique folder name prior to further processing.

If the folder identified already exists processing cannot continue. If the folder identified is invalid (invalid characters or reserved) then processing cannot continue.

The only thing I can think of is:
1) Check if folder exists and
2) Try to create the folder and if it fails ...

I created the following function. Anyone have a better idea?


Sub Test()
MsgBox fcnIsNewValidFolderName("Test") 'New valid folder name.
MsgBox fcnIsNewValidFolderName("My Documents") 'Existing folder - returns false
MsgBox fcnIsNewValidFolderName("A*B?C") 'Invalid characters in name - returns false
MsgBox fcnIsNewValidFolderName("PRN") 'Reserved name - returns false
Exit Sub
End Sub

Function fcnIsNewValidFolderName(strFolder As String) As Boolean
Dim oFSO As Object, oRootFolder As Object, oFolder As Object
fcnIsNewValidFolderName = True
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
On Error GoTo Err_Root
Set oRootFolder = oFSO.GetFolder("D:\")
On Error GoTo Err_Create
Set oFolder = oRootFolder.SubFolders(strFolder)
fcnIsNewValidFolderName = False
GoTo lbl_Exit
On Error GoTo Err_Last
'See if a folder can be created using the folder name passed.
Set oFolder = oFSO.CreateFolder(oRootFolder & Application.PathSeparator & strFolder)
Set oFSO = Nothing
Exit Function
fcnIsNewValidFolderName = True
Resume lbl_Exit
Resume CreateReEntry:
fcnIsNewValidFolderName = False
Resume lbl_Exit
End Function

Greg Maxey
Please visit my web site at (http://gregmaxey.mvps.org/)http://gregmaxey.mvps.org

01-12-2016, 03:34 PM
Tested for folder creation, folder exists and for one illegal character

Function SamT_fcnIsNewValidFolderName(NewFolderName As String) As Boolean
Const RootFolder As String = "D:/"
Dim FSO As Object
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Illegal Characters
Dim IllegalCharacter
Dim i As Long
IllegalCharacter = Array("/", "\", "[", "]", "*", "?", ":") 'Edit to suit
For i = LBound(IllegalCharacter) To UBound(IllegalCharacter)
If InStr(NewFolderName, IllegalCharacter(i)) > 0 Then
MsgBox "Oopsies! YOU CAN'T DO THAT"
GoTo GraceFulExit
End If

'File Exists
SamT_fcnIsNewValidFolderName = Not FSO.FolderExists(RootFolder & NewFolderName)
If Not SamT_fcnIsNewValidFolderName Then
MsgBox "Oopsies! FOLDER EXISTS!"
GoTo GraceFulExit
End If

'Create Folder
On Error Resume Next
FSO.CreateFolder (RootFolder & NewFolderName)
SamT_fcnIsNewValidFolderName = FSO.FolderExists(RootFolder & NewFolderName)
If SamT_fcnIsNewValidFolderName Then
GoTo GraceFulExit
MsgBox "Oopsies! UNKNOWN ERROR!"
End If

Set FSO = Nothing
End Function

Sub Test_SamT_fcnIsNewValidFolderName()
Dim X
X = SamT_fcnIsNewValidFolderName("AAAFolder")
X = SamT_fcnIsNewValidFolderName("AAAFolder")
X = SamT_fcnIsNewValidFolderName("AAA[Folder")
End Sub

01-12-2016, 04:38 PM

Thanks. I've already incorporated the FSO.FolderExists method. My actual code is part of a larger project with a userform. I decided to use the KeyPress event to prevent invalid characters. I also added this bit:

Select Case strFolder
Case "CON", "PRN", "AUX", "NUL", "COM1", "COM2", "COM3", _
"COM4", "COM5", "COM6", "COM7", "COM8", "COM9", _
"LPT1", "LPT2", "LPT3", "LPT4", "LPT5", "LPT6", _
"LPT7", "LPT8", "LPT9"
fcnIsNewValidFolderName = False
With lbl_InvalidFolder
.ForeColor = wdColorRed
.Caption = "Invalid - Reserved folder name"
End With
Exit Function
End Select

Here is an interesting bit. Characters such as Chr(32) "a space" and "." are valid in folder names but a string of " " or "......." is not. However oFSO.FolderExists processes them as if they exist.