View Full Version : Solved: Help in Printing Document

10-06-2005, 11:40 AM
Hi all!

It's me again. I have a different 'little' problem (little if you know BIG if you don't) I have a document with Comments (markup) that the User needs to print without the Document Markup. Is there any way that one could automate this??

I tried several different ways - but to no avail.


10-06-2005, 02:28 PM
Hi Trudy, :hi:

You can swith off markup before printing and put it back on after printing.
What is your Word version? :whistle:

10-07-2005, 10:13 AM
Joost is correct.

What exactly HAVE you tried?

10-11-2005, 07:13 AM
My Word Version is 2003. The Problem is that it is almost impossible to explain to everyone to, first have the Reviewing Bar showing and then close the comments. We are a big outfit (Edmonton Police Service) and have several different levels of knowledge for users.

What I have tried so far: I created a toolbar with a macro that 'AutoOpens' with the document (a protected form) in this toolbar, I have one button that says 'Print Document' This button is a macro that closes the Comments and prints the document without the comments.

Is there any better way to do this??? Like I said there are hundreds of users on our Network that have various knowledge of Word or Computer in general.

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. By the way we had out "Turkey Day" Thanksgiving Day in Canada and I thought of you guys out there in the VABExpress World that give such great help.

Thank You!!! Thank You!!


10-11-2005, 03:53 PM
Hmmmm, perhaps it would be better to ask, what do you WANT to do. A toolbar that performs actions is an OK thing. You could use menu items as well. But what exactly do you want to happen?

A Hi by the way to Edmonchuck...I can say that as I have really good friends there. Getting cold yet?

10-11-2005, 09:25 PM
Hi Gerry, :hi:

Weather is nice in Edmonchuck...pretty Fall days for a change. Hope you have good weather on the coast also.

The form I am working on was created by someone with the Provincial Government and may not be changed - I would have taken them Comments out and replaced them with other help hints (the comments are there only for that purpose i.e. enter last name here..enter date of birth here) This is not an efficient way to go, but what can I say?? The form works fine other than the printing part. If the Comments (help hints) are on - they will also print. To tell our users to turn the them off - would mean to teach a few hundred folks more than they are willing to learn. This is why I thought of the toolbar/macro way. They simply push the button and the Comments close and the doc. prints. Or is there any other simpler way to this???

It is late at night and my eyes are going :bug: I better go to bed now.
Good Night!


10-13-2005, 02:13 PM
What I have tried so far: I created a toolbar with a macro that 'AutoOpens' with the document (a protected form) in this toolbar, I have one button that says 'Print Document' This button is a macro that closes the Comments and prints the document without the comments.

Is there any better way to do this??? Like I said there are hundreds of users on our Network that have various knowledge of Word or Computer in general.

Hi Trudy, :hi:

Don't know of a better way to do it. Just switch of markup in your code | Print it | switch back on...just like you seam to be doing it now...:whistle:

10-13-2005, 02:24 PM
Groetjes Joost,

Thanks a bunch - this is what I thought I need to do.

You guys are AWSOME!



10-13-2005, 02:30 PM
You're welcome Trudy...and we love yah too! :cloud9: