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View Full Version : Move rows that meet criteria of sheet from multiple workbooks to other workbook (VBA)

03-30-2016, 09:40 AM
Dear all,

I would like to extract the rows (data from column A to Y) that meet the criteria "V12" in column A. The data can be found in a sheet called "DATABASE" and has to be extracted from more than 20
workbooks. However, the sheetname remains the same for all of them.

All of these workbooks have a different path. This is an example;
I:\R&E Internal\01 Reporting & Tools\05 Pricing\01 Monthly Topics\01 VIVA\01 PC\09 FY16 ViVA Tool WIP\Current Tool\3. ViVA Tool

Is it possible to automatically paste the rows under each other? It will be done on a monthly basis, so when the macro is being runned, the 'new' data (that meets "V12") is pasted in the last "blank row".

Current situation (source):

Desired situation:

If anything is unclear, please let me know!

Yours sincerely,
