View Full Version : Store image in VBA?

04-12-2016, 12:09 PM
Hello everyone!

Is there a way to store an image in a VBA project so that I or other people on other machines can use a macro that inserts that image into a report? I suspect not since I cannot find anything that suggests we can and the only threads I do find are about inserting images from file; but I would like to confirm before moving forward.

I am very new to VBA and have generated a couple of macros for developing simple reports for my team to use. I am now working on developing a macro which, among other things, pastes our logo on the first page of a Word document (and then writes some canned language which pulls numbers from the Excel data and pastes some tables and charts). Since I'll be forwarding the macro to my teammates, I don't want them to have to save the image to a folder as well. I was thinking maybe I can paste the image in the workbook I email to them and write a macro in that workbook that writes the report generating macro to their personal workbook and pastes the image in the emailed workbook to their personal workbook. Is that possible?

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

All the best,


04-12-2016, 06:03 PM
For the Excel part, you can put the images on a hidden (or very hidden) worksheet and use a macro to paste them (at least to another worksheet

Here's a very simple example

Leith Ross
04-12-2016, 06:22 PM
Hello MarylandDIY,

These two macros may help you. I wrote these several years ago so file data could be kept in the workbook and the file restored when needed on the user's system.

Any file can be stored this way because it is copied as a byte array to the worksheet. The bytes are in hexadecimal. This makes it easier to locate problems in a file.

Add a new VBA module to your workbook for these macros.

Private Sub SaveAsHexFile(ByVal Filename As String)

Dim c As Long
Dim DataByte As Byte
Dim Data() As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim n As Integer
Dim r As Long
Dim Wks As Worksheet
Dim x As String

If Dir(Filename) = "" Then
MsgBox "The File '" & Filename & "' Not Found."
Exit Sub
End If

On Error Resume Next
Set Wks = Worksheets("Hex Byte Data")
If Err = 9 Then
Worksheets.Add After:=Worksheets.Count
Set Wks = ActiveSheet
Wks.Name = "Hex Byte Data"
End If
On Error GoTo 0

Wks.Cells(1, "AH").Value = Dir(Filename)

n = FreeFile

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.ErrorCheckingOptions.NumberAsText = False

With Wks.Columns("A:AF")
.NumberFormat = "@"
.Cells.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

Open Filename For Binary Access Read As #n
ReDim Data((LOF(n) - 1) \ 32, 31)

For i = 0 To LOF(n) - 1
Get #n, , DataByte
c = i Mod 32
r = i \ 32
x = Hex(DataByte)
If DataByte < 16 Then x = "0" & x
Data(r, c) = x
Next i
Close #n

Wks.Range("A1:AF1").Resize(r + 1, 32).Value = Data
End With

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Function RestoreHexFile() As String

Dim Cell As Range
Dim Data() As Byte
Dim File As String
Dim j As Long
Dim LSB As Variant
Dim MSB As Variant
Dim n As Integer
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Wks As Worksheet

On Error Resume Next
Set Wks = Worksheets("Hex Byte Data")
If Err <> 0 Then
MsgBox "The Worksheet 'Hex Byte Data' is Missing.", vbCritical
Exit Function
End If
On Error GoTo 0

Set Rng = Wks.Range("A1").CurrentRegion

File = Wks.Cells(1, "AH").Value

If File <> "" Then
n = FreeFile
File = Environ("TEMP") & "\" & File

Open File For Binary Access Write As #n
ReDim Data(Application.CountA(Rng) - 1)

For Each Cell In Rng
If Cell = "" Then Exit For

MSB = Left(Cell, 1)
If IsNumeric(MSB) Then MSB = 16 * MSB Else MSB = 16 * (Asc(MSB) - 55)

LSB = Right(Cell, 1)
If Not IsNumeric(LSB) Then LSB = (Asc(LSB) - 55) Else LSB = LSB * 1

Data(j) = MSB + LSB
j = j + 1
Next Cell

Put #n, , Data
Close #n
End If

RestoreHexFile = File

End Function


Sub Test()

Dim Filename As String

' Save picture to the worksheet Hex Byte Data.
Filename = "C:\Test\V447114.jpg"
Call SaveAsHexFile(Filename)

' Restore the file to the user's Temp directory.
Filename = RestoreHexFile

' Filename now is the complete file path to the restored file.
' Pass this to another macro or application.

End Sub

04-13-2016, 01:20 AM
I'd make a template in Word, the logo included, and send that to your colleagues.

04-13-2016, 06:19 AM
Great! Thanks Paul, Leith and snb! Leith, your macros lookvery interesting. Before I wrote my original post, I was wondering if I couldstore an image in an array. Fantastic! I can’t wait to try them out. And snb, yoursis a very simple solution which I hadn’t considered. Thanks everyone!

07-04-2017, 03:37 AM
---> Leith Ross

Wow, those macros worked perfectly!

I have implemented them in a PERSONAL.XLSB with some common macros I distribute to my colleagues. Some of the macros insert our company logo in the header of the document. Up until now, this logo has been placed on our network drive so it could be reached by everybody, but as there's a file retention policy it is archived every few months, why the macro crashes and the logo needs to be uploaded to the network drive again.

Now, with your macro implemented, I have created a worksheet containing the hex code for the image directly in the PERSONAL.XLSB file, and the image is just restored from there whenever it's needed.

So. Awesome. I registered on this site to give you this thumbs up - thank you!!

Leith Ross
07-04-2017, 10:35 AM
Hello erwi,

It is great to hear that the macros have worked really well for you. More amazing is this code was posted almost 5 years ago and you found it.

Glad I could help solve your problem. Thanks again for sharing your story.

07-04-2017, 01:41 PM
It's only 8 months old, no? Maybe you looked at your own registration date. I wouldn't resuscitate a five year old thread without contributing constructively. ;)
Thanks to Google as well, understanding where to direct me after my vague search terms. :)

02-22-2019, 03:50 PM
This code was really helpful for me. Thanks a lot

Leith Ross
02-25-2019, 03:27 PM
Hello s.keyhanian,

Niets te danken! Glad I could help.

08-20-2024, 01:53 AM

thanks a lot for the code. But I still want to ask if there is a way to upload an image to userform without saving it to TEMP. Is this particularly useful when using the file on different shared repositories etc. to make it really universally usable?
Or am I misunderstanding somehow and it is possible to reference an image that is just saved as a hex code in excel?

Thanks a lot

08-20-2024, 03:53 AM
One possible way is to convert the image to a Base64 string, there are a number of ways to do this for free online or create your own tool to convert an image to base64 string. Then put that string in a variable in the form's code. Now convert that string to an image. This way you don't need to have an image file in a shared location.

EDIT: credit wqweto on VBForums [RESOLVED] Base64 to Image-VBForums (https://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?901437-RESOLVED-Base64-to-Image) for the VB6 code.

Option Explicit

' the image as a base64 string
"BVFhH1ZfdDcIwDISzD4+dpSt0DtboCszS184T+lUEEsfODwqqOOmEwEl8OTtpcf5idAvY9s1vj8 2vj/VNfvsWzQJINN0m75wzucxLt5iqgDOxKyeWREgrig" & _
"KW+6ImaCFutbhhCmAX2sI9bBGhCsB2bcFviIgYUlAmgAG9Na+RDVnIBKz3cbuP6fdXAoFMgDZ5B C0XEgHYr03mNLBA6VRQa8bg4DTnJeQ3DYkAmUDrYm7Be" & _
"AzUzr08RfSVhlSAmGTZJoVacLfPGKgdyWQ2O65NAAgLYyxrQct6qQBRO8sBeVIsZAKO8kkUHeC7 hNaoCJLQjnO3A4E4cT6C6XAhMpD+CeOsa1xztOjAaHY3" & _
"4WjWe8AowShe7sAf9MCvS9B7D4zm5Q509QAPHCyLF4j5josHThwnYfx21XwK4qv1+BuSlSaJH4v W4kFkUw+gXOJM8tqJFdeSB4Q4nxKJAG1AAE6U4qAYP94" & _

Private Function FromBase64Array(sText As String) As Byte()
With CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument").createElement("dummy")
.DataType = "bin.base64"
.Text = sText
If IsArray(.NodeTypedValue) Then
FromBase64Array = .NodeTypedValue
FromBase64Array = vbNullString
End If
End With
End Function

Private Function ToPicture(baData() As Byte) As StdPicture
With CreateObject("WIA.Vector")
.BinaryData = baData
Set ToPicture = .Picture
End With
End Function

Private Sub btnDecode_Click()
Dim pictr As StdPicture

Set pictr = ToPicture(FromBase64Array(STR_PIC))
Image1.Picture = pictr

End Sub