View Full Version : formula to check different between 2 dates within same month in range

04-26-2016, 06:52 AM

I have the table with the employee id in column A and 10 columns for dates ( date when the person came back to office from holidays)

in the next table I have 12 columns for 12 months, I just wanted find out how many days did the person work based on table 1.

eg: If I have 2 Jan in table 1 for Employee 1, which means the person worked for 29 Days in Jan, which has to come under Jan Column & so on.

I know my question may not be that clear, you might understand when you see a sample file that is attached.

can someone help me to get this by formula?

thanks for your help

04-26-2016, 07:20 AM
In Excel, Date1 - Date2 = number of days between Dates. However, since Dates are involved, Excel displays the answer as a Date, (some day in the early 1900's.) If you format the formula Cell as a simple Number, the formula result will be displayed as the difference in days between the two Dates.

04-28-2016, 01:24 AM

Thanks for the suggestion, however I am looking for a formula that automatcialy fills these numbers when I drag the formula for all the columns and rows. the one that I have showed in the attachment Is done manually I have about 100k rows .

Thanks for your help in advance

04-28-2016, 09:36 PM
I am sorry. I can not open the attachment because my main computer is broken.

Someone else will pick up your issue.

07-29-2016, 04:48 AM

Can someone help me with this please?