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View Full Version : Spreadsheet Consolidation based on specific path

05-24-2016, 05:19 PM

I am looking for a macro to consolidate spreadsheet data based on the specific path that has mentioned in the worksheet.

For an example, in a worksheet, I will have file path mentioned. Macro should get in to the mentioned path, open the spreadsheet, copy data from worksheet (all spreadsheets will have 1 worksheet only) and paste into next worksheet of current spreadsheet along with path name. If the file is not valid or not opening, then that file should be skipped and keep moving to the next path mentioned in the spreadsheet. All files will be xls or xlsx.

I have attached the example screen shot of this request would like, kindly review and advise suitable macro. Thank you for the help in advance.

05-27-2016, 03:01 PM

Any help on this request is appreciated.

05-28-2016, 04:33 PM
Please post your code to show what you have attempted.

05-31-2016, 03:01 PM
Hi Mac,

I do not have a code. I am requesting help to provide me a code for this.

05-31-2016, 03:16 PM
We are willing to assist, not to carry out your work for free. After 67 posts, we would expect you to attempt a solution of your own. Make use of the macro recorder.

06-02-2016, 02:57 PM
Hi Mac,

I have merge script with me, please see attached. This script will consolidate all spread sheets from the selected file location and provide file names. I want to tweak this script by finding path that is available in Sheet1, then, open spread sheet and copy content and paste in to Sheet2 along with the file path. Kindly see if you can help on this.

06-03-2016, 10:41 AM
Hi Shan
You should really credit someone other persons code (http://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1047659-giant-merge-macro-with-varying-number-of-worksheets.html).