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View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Graphics with multipage form

06-22-2016, 10:33 PM
Hello guys,
I am beginner with VBA...I have a question. For my Project I am using multipage form and on this multipage I have some kind of command buttons, option buttons and so on.... This buttons going from page to page and they are located at same position like page before... My question is.... Is here any possibility to copy this buttons to exactly same Position, like page before by using some kind of grip or something like that ?

06-23-2016, 07:42 AM
Sounds like a TabStrip might be better suited to your needs. A TabStrip uses the same controls for each Tab, ie TextBox1 is the same Object on each tab. The TabStrip produces Arrays of values where the array index is related to the Tab index.

To copy controls from one MultiPage Page to another, expand the UserForm , Select all the controls one one page and copy them en masse to the UserForm. Select a new page and drag all the controls from the Form to the new Page.

06-23-2016, 07:53 AM
1. You should really look at SamT's Tabstrip suggestion. You'd have a large amount of code to handle a lot of individual controls

2. Maybe some of the 'common' controls could be move off the MultiPage control. If they're on every Page, maybe put them on the UserForm and control them if needed. Example uses the MP Change event to Enable or not the [Next] and [Prev] buttons

3. I believe that you can just Multi-Select (Shift+Click) the controls you want on Page1, select Page2 and Paste, Select Page3 and Paste, etc.

06-23-2016, 09:59 PM
thank both of you for yours Response, new experience and tips. I found this informations very usefull for my future Progress.