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View Full Version : In MS Word decrease cell left indentation using VBA

07-06-2016, 12:06 AM
Hello Experts,:)

I will like to seek your help in getting the requirement completed, but got stuck in a problem of formatting the MS word table.:eek: review the requirement list

Requirement:- I am trying to copy a range from MS Excel to Ms word with defined formating (color, size, font, indentation & much more).

Problem statment: I want to decrease the left indentation of the bullets points in the cell of a table, I am looping throug columns

Code used: :doh:

Sub main()

Set myCol = WordTable.Columns(5)

For Each cel In myCol.Cells
If cel.RowIndex <> 1 Then

Cel_txt = cel.Range.Text

If InStr(1, Cel_txt, "•") >= 1 Then
cel.Range.Text = VBA.Trim(Cel_txt)
Call DecreaseRIndent(cel)
WordTable.AutoFitBehavior (wdAutoFitContent)

End If

End If

Next cel
end sub
other function

Function DecreaseRIndent(ByRef cel As Variant)

Dim sDefaultIndent As Single

Dim sCalcul As Single

Dim opara As Paragraph

sDefaultIndent = -0.01

With Selection

Set opara = cel.Range.Paragraphs.first

'sCalcul = CentimetersToPoints(sDefaultIndent)
sCalcul = InchesToPoints(sDefaultIndent)
'If sCalcul < 0 Then sCalcul = 0

opara.LeftIndent = sCalcul

End With

End Function

:banghead: Seeking your Advice, please help :bow: