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View Full Version : Macro of copy and paste loop

08-09-2016, 12:36 AM
Hello, I need to copy each row of data for 8760 rows starting from (B2:J2) and paste it 4 times each onto another sheet. A1:J1 is already filled and so is A1:A8761 on the new sheet. This is an example of what I want the outcome to look like:

ColA ColB ColC
TextA TextA1 TextA2
TextB TextB1 TextB2
TextC TextC1 TextC2

Results (for example 3 times)
ColA ColB ColC
TextA TextA1 TextA2
TextA TextA1 TextA2
TextA TextA1 TextA2
TextB TextB1 TextB2
TextB TextB1 TextB2
TextB TextB1 TextB2
TextC TextC1 TextC2
TextC TextC1 TextC2
TextC TextC1 TextC2

I have practically 0 knowledge of macros so help would be greatly appreciated. Please and thank you very much!

08-09-2016, 10:17 AM
Can someone please help me I don't even know where to start