View Full Version : [SOLVED:] resize word pictures

09-22-2016, 01:48 AM
I cannot successfully reszie the pictures, what is the problem here?

Sub abc()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet

Dim wrdApp As Word.Application
Dim wrdDoc As Document

'assign object values
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Sheets("data")

Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Open("C:\Users\abc.doc")
'Run Word on the background
wrdApp.Visible = True

Dim a As Integer
Dim b As String
Dim c As String
Dim d As String
Dim e As String
Dim g As String
Dim h As String
Dim i As String
Dim f As Integer
f = 2

For a = Sheets("Data").Cells(2, 11).Value + Sheets("Data").Cells(1, 11).Value To Sheets("Data").Cells(3, 11).Value + Sheets("Data").Cells(1, 11) '.Value

b = "a" & CStr(f - 1)
c = "b" & CStr(f - 1)
d = "c" & CStr(f - 1)
e = "d" & CStr(f - 1)
g = "e" & CStr(f - 1)
h = "f" & CStr(f - 1)
i = "i" & CStr(f - 1)

wrdApp.Selection.Goto wdGoToBookmark, , , b
wrdApp.Selection.TypeText Text:=ws.Cells(a, 1).Value

wrdApp.Selection.Goto wdGoToBookmark, , , c
wrdApp.Selection.TypeText Text:=ws.Cells(a, 2).Value

wrdApp.Selection.Goto wdGoToBookmark, , , d
wrdApp.Selection.TypeText Text:=ws.Cells(a, 3).Value

wrdApp.Selection.Goto wdGoToBookmark, , , e
wrdApp.Selection.TypeText Text:=ws.Cells(a, 4).Value

wrdApp.Selection.Goto wdGoToBookmark, , , g
wrdApp.Selection.TypeText Text:=ws.Cells(a, 5).Value

wrdApp.Selection.Goto wdGoToBookmark, , , h
wrdApp.Selection.TypeText Text:=ws.Cells(a, 7).Value

wrdApp.Selection.Goto wdGoToBookmark, , , i
wrdApp.Shapes.AddPicture Filename:=ws.Cells(a, 6).Value, _
LinkToFile:=False, _
SaveWithDocument:=True, _
Left:=-5, _
Top:=5, _
Anchor:=Selection.Range, _
Width:=20, _

f = f + 1
Next a


Set wrdDoc = Nothing
Set wrdApp = Nothing
Set ws = Nothing
Set wb = Nothing

End Sub

I try this but not successful

wrdApp.Selection.Goto wdGoToBookmark, , , i
wrdApp.Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture Filename:=ws.Cells(a, 6).Value, _
LinkToFile:=False, _
SaveWithDocument:=True, _
Left:=-5, _
Top:=5, _
Anchor:=Selection.Range, _
Width:=20, _

09-22-2016, 02:11 AM
I cannot succesfully open your sample document. Why not ?

09-22-2016, 03:39 AM
please try this

> wrdApp.Shapes.AddPicture


09-22-2016, 04:29 AM
testing code

Sub test()
Dim wrdApp As Object
Dim wrdDoc As Object

Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
wrdApp.Visible = True
Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Open(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\abc.docx")

wrdDoc.Shapes.AddPicture Filename:=Cells(1, 6).Value, _
LinkToFile:=False, _
SaveWithDocument:=True, _
Left:=-5, _
Top:=5, _
Anchor:=wrdApp.Selection.Range, _
Width:=20, _

Set wrdDoc = Nothing
Set wrdApp = Nothing

End Sub