View Full Version : Is it possible to merge excel and word to become one document in doc/docx format?

10-05-2016, 05:08 PM
Hi guys,

I want to ask if and only if excel can be merge with word document to become one document in doc/docx format which later i can alter the excel data inside word? All i can find so far was just using insert object including linking it to word. However, it still needs an original file of excel.

Therefore is it logical to merge both of this? or is there any terms that are similar to this but may help in merging both of the files together?

I really need an advice from the expert.

Notes: i want to merge both excel and word so that it is easier for me to share the document to other person with just one document. Meaning that excel already inside the word.

10-07-2016, 12:13 PM
I don't see why not

The attached DOCX has a XLSX embedding in it

Double clicking opens the Excel sheet in Excel

Is this what you meant?