View Full Version : Adding Bookmark to Multiselect ListBox Text

10-26-2016, 07:01 AM
Hello everyone,

I am brand new to using VBA and still trying to learn how to use it. I have managed to get my document exactly how I need it but am hung up on only one part.

In my userform, there is a ComboBox with several different options and based on what option is selected, certain text is inserted into the document. The one I am having trouble with though inserts the text from selections that are made in a multiselect listbox and inserts them at a bookmark within the document. I have got the code to where all selections are inserted into the document and the bookmark is re-created but, the bookmark is being created before the text that is entered from the listbox.

What I am needing is to have the Listbox text appear in the bookmark. Here is my code:

ElseIf ComboBox2.Value = "Clinical Request" Then
Dim ii As Integer
Set BMRange = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Content").Range
For ii = o To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If ListBox1.Selected(ii) Then
Selection.Text = ListBox1.List(ii)
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add "Content", BMRange
End If
Next ii

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

10-27-2016, 03:50 AM
You don't need to select a bookmark in order to write to it. The simplest solution is to use the FillBM function from my web site, which you can call from your code. (Shouldn't that be ComboBox1 ? )

If ListBox1.ListIndex > -1 Then FillBM "Content", ListBox1.Text It might however be advisable to rename the bookmark (and its call in the code) to something that reflects the nature of the beast - e.g. bmContent. It may avoid confusion later.

Public Sub FillBM(strBMName As String, strValue As String)
'Graham Mayor - http://www.gmayor.com
Dim orng As Range
With ActiveDocument
On Error GoTo lbl_Exit
Set orng = .Bookmarks(strBMName).Range
orng.Text = strValue
orng.Bookmarks.Add strBMName
End With
Set orng = Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub

10-30-2016, 10:45 AM
If you are using Word 2007 or higher why not write to a content control (vice bookmark). Insert a plain text CC titled "Selections" in the document (or a bookmark bmSelections")

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
With ListBox1
.MultiSelect = fmMultiSelectMulti
.AddItem "A"
.AddItem "B"
.AddItem "C"
End With
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim lngIndex As Long
Dim strSelected As String
For lngIndex = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If ListBox1.Selected(lngIndex) Then
strSelected = strSelected & ListBox1.List(lngIndex) & vbCr
End If
FillCC "Selections", strSelected
FillBM "bmSelections", strSelected
Exit Sub
End Sub

Public Sub FillCC(strCCTitle As String, strValue As String)
With ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTitle(strCCTitle).Item(1)
.MultiLine = True
.Range.Text = strValue
End With
Exit Sub
End Sub
Public Sub FillBM(strBMName As String, strValue As String)
'Graham Mayor - http://www.gmayor.com
Dim orng As Range
With ActiveDocument
On Error GoTo lbl_Exit
Set orng = .Bookmarks(strBMName).Range
orng.Text = strValue
orng.Bookmarks.Add strBMName
End With
Set orng = Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub

11-01-2016, 12:58 PM
Thank you both very much, this fixed my problem.

Is there a way to use the FillBM function with AutoText from Quick Parts?

11-01-2016, 05:31 PM
No, but this will. You will need to pass the bookmark name, template name e.g., Normal.dotm, the Building Block gallery type e.g., 9 for autotext, the category nam and building block name:

Sub ScratchMacro()
'A quick macro scratch pad created by Greg Maxey
fcnFillBMwithBB "bmTarget", "Normal.dotm", 9, "Signatures", "George Washington"
End Sub

Function fcnFillBMwithBB(strBM As String, strTemplate As String, lngGal As Long, strCat As String, strBB As String)
Dim oTmp As Template
Dim lngIndex As Long
Dim oRng As Word.Range
For Each oTmp In Templates
If oTmp.Name = strTemplate Then Exit For
Next oTmp
'You can use this For ... Next loop to determine the gallery type constant for your BBs.
For lngIndex = 1 To 35
Debug.Print oTmp.BuildingBlockTypes(lngIndex).Name & " "; lngIndex
Set oRng = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(bmTarget).Range
Set oRng = oTmp.BuildingBlockTypes(lngGal). _
Categories(strCat).BuildingBlocks(strBB).Insert(oRng, True)
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add bmTarget, oRng
Set oTmp = Nothing: Set oRng = Nothing
End Function

11-02-2016, 01:42 AM
I have no doubt that Greg's macro will do the job, but I also have a function to insert a building block in a bookmark:

Public Sub BBToBM(strBMName As String, strTemplate As String, strBBName As String)
'Graham Mayor - http://www.gmayor.com
Dim orng As Range
Dim iLen1 As Integer, iLen2 As Integer
With ActiveDocument
iLen1 = Len(ActiveDocument.Range)
On Error GoTo lbl_Exit
Set orng = .Bookmarks(strBMName).Range
Application.Templates(strTemplate). _
BuildingBlockEntries(strBBName).Insert _
Where:=orng, _
iLen2 = Len(ActiveDocument.Range)
orng.End = orng.End + (iLen2 - iLen1)
orng.Bookmarks.Add strBMName
End With
Set orng = Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub

11-02-2016, 09:53 AM
Again Graham and I are showing you several ways of doing things with VBA. There is nothing wrong with Grahams "implicit" method and I often in not generally use the same "BuildingBlockEntries().Insert method as he did. You will have no problem with that method as long as you ensure you Building Blocks names are unique.

However, suppose you or one of your users has a Building Block named "TestBB" in the Normal template AutoText gallery "General" category, one named "TestBB" in the same gallery in a "Test Category" category and one named "TestBB" in the QuickParts gallery "General" category.

Which one will be inserted in the bookmark? Word has to decide and with Word 2010 it will choose the one in the AutoText gallery, General category. However in Word 2007 the choice is different.

Here is a version of my earlier code that lets you decide if you want to pass just a BB name and let Word sort it out or explicitly pass the gallery, category and BB name.

Note: once you have the list of gallery constants you can delete the For lngIndex = 1 to 35 ... Next loop.

Sub Demo()
'General (let Word sort it out)
fcnFillBMwithBB "bmTest", "Normal.dotm", "TestBB"
fcnFillBMwithBB "bmTest", "Normal.dotm", "TestBB", 1, "Test Category"
End Sub

Function fcnFillBMwithBB(strBM As String, strTemplate As String, strBBName As String, _
Optional lngGal As Long = 0, Optional strCat As String = "General")
Dim oTmp As Template
Dim lngIndex As Long
Dim oRng As Word.Range
For Each oTmp In Templates
If oTmp.Name = strTemplate Then Exit For
Next oTmp
'You can use this For ... Next loop to determine the gallery type constant for your BBs.
For lngIndex = 1 To 35
Debug.Print oTmp.BuildingBlockTypes(lngIndex).Name & " "; lngIndex
Set oRng = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(strBM).Range
If lngGal > 0 Then
Set oRng = oTmp.BuildingBlockTypes(lngGal). _
Categories(strCat).BuildingBlocks(strBBName).Insert(oRng, True)
Set oRng = Application.Templates(strTemplate). _
BuildingBlockEntries(strBBName).Insert(oRng, True)
End If
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add strBM, oRng
Set oTmp = Nothing: Set oRng = Nothing
End Function