View Full Version : [SLEEPER:] Northwind2010Client/ Reviseable Customer Invoiced Orders

11-13-2016, 01:21 PM
Dear Sir,
I am an access programmer of intermediate level. My income is to hard to survive. I have many customers who need an Ms access 2010 project for their business. I have found a sales client template (Northwind2010Client) from web and shall mention download link on someone's reply.

I shall be ever grateful, if some one make customer (invoiced) orders be reviseable by make changes in 2 forms (OrderDetail & OrderLineItems) of the Northwind2010Client.zip. I want let user to change: product (add or delete), quantity, customer, shipping address and payment information etc. Without this option this project cannot be sale.

By some expert help my financial problems could be resolved.

Best Wishes
