View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Open .ppsx file full screen

11-28-2016, 04:23 AM
I have a slide show in which I have a button that when clicked opens up a .ppsx file. I have to do it through a macro because the powerpoint will be used on different computers and different user accounts so a hyperlink would have to adjusted every time the slideshow is placed at a different location.

I figured this should be easy using this:

Sub ReadMe()
Presentations.Open (ActivePresentation.Path & "\READ ME V1.ppsx")
End Sub

The problem I'm having is that it opens the slideshow and on top of that a normal powerpoint window. In the picture you can see that the slideshow I want on the screen is behind the other window. Clicking away the window makes me jump to the slideshow but I want this window to not show up in the first place.


John Wilson
11-28-2016, 05:46 AM
ppsx file ONLY open full screen if you double click them. If you open them from File Open (which is what your code is basically doing) they open in edit mode.

Try this and see if it works

Sub openUp()

Dim newpres As Presentation
Set newpres = Presentations.Open(FileName:=(ActivePresentation.Path & "\READ ME V1.ppsx"), WithWindow:=False)
If SlideShowWindows.Count = 0 Then newpres.SlideShowSettings.Run
End Sub

11-28-2016, 05:53 AM
I changed the count to 1 and it worked! Thanks so much!

John Wilson
11-28-2016, 06:45 AM
the code was assuming you had no other slide shows running.