View Full Version : Importing photos into 1 cell

11-29-2016, 08:01 AM

Is there a way to import up to 5 photos into a single cell, instead of playing about with them to fit.

As attached I would like to insert these photos into the third column of cells.

I'm using Word 2013.

Thanks for any help.


11-29-2016, 09:16 AM
Couple of things...

*I don't see the photos attached in your post, are they in the word doc?
* How big are the photos? I'd imagine the photos will change your cell size... would you need to resize your pictures?

I need a bit more info to see what you're on about. I was able to drag and drop image icons ( 5 at a time in fact) into the cell you specified and they all imported fine without breaking your formatting... then again I am on office 2016.

11-30-2016, 02:42 AM

Thanks for helping. The photos are to sit just to the left hand column of where you put them images. I cant add photos as the file size will be too large. Whenever up to 5 or so photos are required, I would imagine these sitting in there like tiles or icons. It will take time and effort to arrange these whenever required. I was just wondering if there is a savvy way on word to do this.
