View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Help with Dynamic UserForm in Excel

12-05-2016, 07:12 AM
Good Day All !

I'm struggling this issue for a couple of days already…..:banghead:

Appreciate your help !

The file with explanation is on attached.

The 1st ComboBox (for Group Field) is the Only one that is built in advance.

All other Subgroups ComboBoxes are Dynamic ComboBoxes and build programmatically.
As ComboBoxes are Dynamic, each one effect the next one.

4 things I haven't found a way to solve:

1. How can I adjust the dynamic UserForm code to work same as UserForm work on Sheet1. The logical idea is mark in Yellow.
2. How do I pass the values of All ComboBoxes to AccIndex Sheet (i.e.: Sheets("AccIndex") on LastRow ?
3. How do I pass the headers to the Labels on UserForm (they will be updated with other names) ?
4. And the last thing, I want that the logical of Dynamic ComboBoxes will work from Last To first ComboBox , as well.
Meaning, If I'll choose the 2223-3 from Last ComboBox, all the ComboBoxes above it, should already "Know" which values should be taken in them.

Meaning: let's say I have 4 ComboBoxes.

When choose on: ComboBox 4 >> 2223-3
it should give on ComboBox3 >> 2222-2 and 2223-2
and on ComboBox2 >> 2222-1
and on ComboBox1 >> Group 2 ; The 1st ComboBox (for Group Field) is the Only one that is built in advance.

How I can do it ?:think:

Many Many Thanks !

12-06-2016, 08:56 AM
Right off the bat (without looking at your file), I see a problem with your ComboBox3 in your example.
ComboBoxes cannot be multi-select. ListBoxes can but ComboBoxes can not.

Leith Ross
12-06-2016, 04:07 PM
Hello 10shlomi10,

The attached workbook is a start to what you want to accomplish but still needs work. I thought you would like see something working and know it is possible.

Here is the code...

UserForm2 Code

Dim ufCtrls As Collection

Sub SetupComboBoxes()

Dim cbo As MSForms.ComboBox
Dim myTable As ListObject
Dim n As Long
Dim ufCtrl As clsUFcombobox

Set ufCtrls = New Collection

Set myTable = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(1)

For n = 1 To myTable.ListColumns.Count
Set cbo = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.combobox.1")

With cbo
.Name = "cmbSBG_" & n
.Left = Me.cmbMainGroup.Left
.Width = Me.cmbMainGroup.Width
.Height = Me.cmbMainGroup.Height
.Top = Me.cmbMainGroup.Top + (n * Me.cmbMainGroup.Height) + (n * 5)
End With

Set ufCtrl = New clsUFcombobox
Set ufCtrl.ComboBox = cbo
Set ufCtrl.ListObject = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("AccIndex").ListObjects(1)
ufCtrl.Column = n
ufCtrls.Add ufCtrl, cbo.Name
Next n

End Sub

Private Sub cmbMainGroup_Change()

Dim icntr As Long
Dim jcntr As Long
Dim Keys As Variant
Dim myTable As Variant

myTable = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange

With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For jcntr = 2 To UBound(myTable, 2)
For icntr = 1 To UBound(myTable, 1)
If myTable(icntr, 1) = Me.cmbMainGroup And Not .Exists(myTable(icntr, jcntr)) Then .Add myTable(icntr, jcntr), myTable(icntr, jcntr) & "_content"
Next icntr

Keys = .Keys

With Me.Controls("cmbSBG_" & jcntr)
.List = Application.Transpose(Keys)
End With

Next jcntr
End With

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Dim Cell As Range
Dim Headers As Range
Dim icntr As Long
Dim myTable As Variant

' Headers are in the top row of the table.
Set Headers = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(1).HeaderRowRange

myTable = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange

'Step 1: Populate the Group Combo
With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For icntr = 1 To UBound(myTable, 1)
If Not .Exists(myTable(icntr, 1)) Then .Add myTable(icntr, 1), myTable(icntr, 1) & "_content"
Next icntr
Me.cmbMainGroup.List = Application.Transpose(.Keys)
End With

' Create the ComboBoxes for this table.
Call SetupComboBoxes

' Copy the column headers from the table to the labels on the UserForm.
For icntr = 1 To UBound(myTable, 2) ' for each sub group
With Me.Controls.Add("Forms.label.1")
.Name = "lblSBG_" & icntr
.Caption = Headers.Cells(1, icntr).Value
.TextAlign = 3
.Left = Me.lblMainGroup.Left
.Width = Me.lblMainGroup.Width
.Height = Me.cmbMainGroup.Height
.Top = Me.cmbMainGroup.Top + (icntr * Me.cmbMainGroup.Height) + (icntr * 5) + 10
End With
Next icntr

Me.ScrollHeight = icntr * 100
Me.ScrollBars = fmScrollBarsVertical

End Sub

Class Module clsUFcombobox Code

Public WithEvents ComboBox As MSForms.ComboBox

Dim pvtColumn As Long
Dim pvtListObject As Object

Private Sub ComboBox_Change()

Dim LastRow As Long

With pvtListObject.DataBodyRange
LastRow = .Rows(.Rows.Count).row - .row + 1
.Cells(LastRow, pvtColumn).Value = ComboBox.Value
End With

End Sub

Property Let Column(ByVal col As Long)
pvtColumn = col
End Property

Property Get Column() As Long
Column = pvtColumn
End Property

Property Set ListObject(ByRef obj As Object)
If pvtListObject Is Nothing Then
Set pvtListObject = obj
MsgBox "Property is Read Only.", vbExclamation
End If
End Property

Property Get ListObject() As Object
Set ListObject = pvtListObject
End Property

12-06-2016, 04:39 PM
Dear Leith Ross

WOW ! awesome !!
Beside a small issue I've noticed , that it's creating 5 Comboxs when there is only 4 column, it work fantastic !!

Thanks A LOT !!!!!


Leith Ross
12-06-2016, 04:58 PM
Hello 10shlomi10,

You're welcome. If you have any questions about the code, please ask.

12-08-2016, 02:39 PM
Dear Leith Ross

Many many thanks my friend !!!
really appreciated !
