View Full Version : Word prompt to save template

12-19-2016, 11:12 AM
(That title should be "Word prompts to save template".)

I'm automating Word 2013 from Excel 2013. Excel directs Word to:

- Create a new document based on a template I had previously set up.
- Update the links in the Excel chart objects embedded in the document.
- Break the links in those Excel chart objects (so that those charts become part of a static report and don't update with someone else's data).

The user can run the project in two modes: running a single report, and running a batch of reports. In batch mode, it saves and closes those files. There are no problems with the Word docs made during batch mode.

The problem is in one-by-one mode, which leaves the report open and unsaved for the user. If the user does nothing but close the document without saving it, they are prompted to save changes in the template. Then, after the document closes, they are prompted AGAIN to save changes in the same template, while Word is showing that it has no documents open.

I've tried setting the template's Saved property to True, but it doesn't help.

(BTW if they save the new document, close it, reopen it, and close it again, it doesn't prompt them to save the template then.)

If I manually double-click on the template file, so that Word opens a new document based on it, and then manually close the new document, Word does NOT prompt to save the template.

I could give the user a browse dialog and prompt them to save the file, but one possible reason for running the one-by-one mode in the first place is if they just want to take a quick look at a report without saving it.

What can I do to make Word stop prompting to save the template?

Also, why would it prompt TWICE to save the same template??

Here's the code. Everything is declared, though some of these are declared
further up; I have Option Explicit on. full_path_to_renewal_report_word_template
is passed in to the function:

Dim oWord As Object, oDoc As Object, oEmbeddedExcelChart As Object, oLinkFormat As Object, oInlineShape As Object
Dim dblOldWidth As Double, dblOldHeight As Double, dblNewHeight As Double
Dim iChartsCount As Long, iChartIndex As Long
Set oWord = GetWord
Set oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add(Template:=full_path_to_renewal_report_word_template)
If bIsBatchMode Then oWord.WindowState = 0: DoEvents 'wdWindowStateNormal
oWord.Visible = True
iChartsCount = oDoc.InlineShapes.Count
For iChartIndex = 1 To iChartsCount 'can't use for/next loop through inlineshapes collection; doesn't work with embedded xl chart objects; error after first item in collection.
Set oInlineShape = oDoc.InlineShapes(iChartIndex)
Set oLinkFormat = oInlineShape.LinkFormat
If Not oLinkFormat Is Nothing Then
dblOldWidth = oInlineShape.Width: dblOldHeight = oInlineShape.Height
oInlineShape.Height = SET_LINKED_OJBECTS_WIDTH * (dblOldHeight / dblOldWidth)
End If
Next iChartIndex

'set the template to saved so it won't prompt to save: (this doesn't help though)
Dim oTemplate As Object
Set oFile = FSO.GetFile(full_path_to_renewal_report_word_template)
For Each oTemplate In oWord.Templates
If oTemplate.Name = oFile.Name Then
oTemplate.Saved = True
Exit For
End If
Next oTemplate

'1x1 mode; leave the word doc open and unsaved for the user:
oWord.WindowState = 0: DoEvents 'wdWindowStateNormal
oDoc.Activate: DoEvents
oWord.Activate: DoEvents

Set oWord = Nothing: Set oDoc = Nothing: Set oTemplate = Nothing: Set oEmbeddedExcelChart = Nothing: Set oLinkFormat = Nothing: Set oInlineShape = Nothing

12-19-2016, 04:21 PM
Due to the urgency of this issue, and not getting a response on my first post of it, I've posted wherever it seemed relevant:
- stackoverflow post #41205505
- msofficeforums post #post108010
- excelforum #post4545449

12-20-2016, 06:46 AM
Are you using a global template add-in as a reference in your project? I've had this issue before and never could figure out why. I handle it like this:

Sub AutoClose()
On Error Resume Next
If ActiveDocument.Path = vbNullString Then
ThisDocument.Saved = True
End If
End Sub

12-20-2016, 07:13 AM
gmaxey, no, I am not using a global template add-in as a reference in my project. It's just a standard Word template -- a standard Word document saved as Template (.docx) file type. Not an add-in, and not being used as a reference in my project.


12-20-2016, 07:19 AM
You might try the AutoClose macro in your template anyway. It works here to eliminate the problem.

12-20-2016, 07:50 AM
gmaxey, my template does not have macros. I would have to make it a .dotm (Word Macro-Enabled Template) to have an AutoClose macro. But I had tried that along the way and it prompted to be saved under even more circumstances, not less.

Also, your code sets the ActiveDocument's Saved property to true. Word isn't prompting to save the active document, nor any other document. The active document was already saved and closes without any prompt.

The template is never the active document when this happens -- never visible as a document in Word -- it's only the active document when I open it as a document to edit the template itself. When the problem happens, it's only open as a template, so never active. Only the new document created from it is active.

12-20-2016, 08:14 AM

I assume you given name isn't GregL65. Mine isn't gmaxey.

The code in the AutoClose is setting ThisDocument.Saved = True not ActiveDocument but that is a mute point.

I just tried this from Excel and got no prompt when I just closed the document without saving. Do you get a prompt with a simple test like this?

Sub ScratchMacro()
'A basic Word macro coded by Greg Maxey
Dim oApp As Object
Dim oDoc As Object

Set oApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set oDoc = oApp.Documents.Add("D:\Test.dotx")
oApp.Visible = True
Exit Sub

End Sub

12-20-2016, 08:41 AM
Greg, I got no prompt with that code, using the same template.

12-20-2016, 09:15 AM

I have been having a similar issue with a template that has a reference to a global template. It is really weird. I can open the template file, Alt+F11 to open the VBE, click Tools>References, "Just Look" then click Cancel and then close the template and about 90% of the time (randomly) I get the prompt to save the template when I have made no known changes. Apparently something is triggering the Saved property to false in that process and yours.

I don't have anything else to offer. Sorry.

12-20-2016, 11:27 AM

Thanks, but I don't see that it has any references to a global template. If I select the template in the VBA editor, and go to Tools > References, only the 4 usual items are checked:

Visual Basic for Applications
Microsoft Word 15.0bject Library
OLE Automation
Microsoft Office 15.0 Object Library


12-21-2016, 11:51 AM

Sorry for in confusion. Of course you don't. I only made that comment to show that when doing something with not apparent processes that would change the template just looking at the listed references (in my case anyway) is apparently setting the saved property to false.

If you find a solution in one of the other forums, please update here.