View Full Version : Delete duplicate rows if they do not contain a specific word

01-21-2017, 06:00 AM
Please could you help with code that will delete duplicate rows in a worksheet, except those with the word NAME in cell A1.


01-21-2017, 08:24 AM
With ActiveSheet
If .Range("A1") <> "NAME" Then

For each Row
If Row = Duplicate Then
End If
End If
End With


01-21-2017, 10:41 AM
With ActiveSheet
If .Range("A1") <> "NAME" Then

For each Row
If Row = Duplicate Then
End If
End If
End With

Thanks SamT. Unfortunately, I am getting "Compile error: syntax error" at

For each Row

and "variable not defined" for Duplicate.

I have tried to fix it thus:

With ActiveSheet

Dim Row As Variant
Dim Duplicate As Variant

If .Range("A1") <> "NAME" Then

For Each Row In .Range
If Row = Duplicate Then
End If
End If
End With

but this has resulted in "Run Time error 450 Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment".

Please could you help fix this?

01-21-2017, 12:02 PM
Please could you help with code that will delete duplicate rows in a worksheet, except those with the word NAME in cell A1.

Sub t()
If Range("A1") <> "NAME" Then WorkSheet.Delete
End Sub

Maybe if you had a more detailed explanation and possible a attachment with some sample Data and an example of what you want the results to look like, we could develop some code.

Your profile says that you have been here for 2 years with many posts, so you should be quite familiar with Excel terminology, VBAX, and coding requirements.

Recommended reading

01-21-2017, 02:53 PM
Thanks SamT. I apologise that I wasn't clear.

I attach a sample workbook which contains:

1) Worksheet "Original input" with 93 rows of random text (there's no significance in the 93 - it's random)
2) Worksheet "Desired output" which I created manually to show the result once the macro has operated.

The macro will:

a) Delete, from "Original input", all rows where all columns are duplicated except those rows with NAME in column A.
b) Keep the rows in the same order.
c) Keep any row with NAME in column A, regardless of whether the remaining columns have duplicated cells.
d) Overwrite the worksheet "Original input" with the result. I just want to keep the end product, not the raw data.

I hope that's easier to work with. I'm very grateful to you and the other experts on the forum for your help.


01-21-2017, 04:59 PM
That works.

I have to go to town, but here's my (cryptic) design notes.

'Go down the Rows until Cells(1) is empty
'If Cells(rw, 1) <> "Name" then
'Columns (1).Find(Cell 1, before A1)
'If Found then
' If Test_for_ Dupe(Rw, Found.Row) then delete Found Row
'Rw = R + 1

'Test_for_Dupe Tests
'If CountA's <> = then false
'If CountA = 1 then True
'Assign to arrays
'If UBounds <> = then False
'Check each index for <> = then False

'All tests passed = true