View Full Version : create a tablefor create company in ms access

02-01-2017, 05:42 AM
help us how can i create a table for ms access for create a company, i am send the attachments for your understanding
thanking you

02-01-2017, 09:38 PM
reply sir

02-01-2017, 11:30 PM
Form looks great.

Not sure what you are needing. Do you have a specific quertion?

02-02-2017, 02:34 AM
than i fill all the information in this create company user form & click on the save command button the data was save on the create company table ow can i create a table for this userfrom sir

02-02-2017, 06:24 PM
The power of creating Access forms is to make then bound. This means that you set the form's record source property to a query or table. I fidn it best to always use a query oir embedded SQL.

Have you set the form's record source to the table that where yu want to store/save the data?

Next you bind all the controls on the form to fields in the form's record source by setting the control's control source property.

With a bound form that is the minimum you have to do to get he form, to work. Access automatically takes case of saving the data when you close the form or change records.

Have you set all the control's to have a control source?

If you would like to have a save button (not required with a bound form), I recommend using the command button wizard. It will will ask you a few questions and create it for you.