View Full Version : Group and ungroup text

11-01-2005, 07:02 AM
Is it possible to do something similar to this:

Microsoft Website (http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/assistance/HP052510121033.aspx#Create%20a%20conditional%20formula%20that%20results%20i n%20a%20logical%20value%20(TRUE%20or%20FALSE))

Scroll down to where it says "How" and click it. See how it expands and collapses the text. I know that they use JavaScript to do that, but I was wondering if word had it's own little method to perform something like this.


EDIT: I wanted to do this using a link, BTW

11-01-2005, 07:48 AM
Well I suppose the Word method would be to have "How" in a formfield (you can turn off the shading and bookmarks so it looks nice) and run a marco on the entry event (getting an actual click event on something other than a hyperlink might be tricky)
So the macro can then hide the text. I'm sure there are a number of ways of doing that - I'd be inclined to have make a 2 row table suitably formatted with the formfield in row1 and the text in row 2 - that way, referencing the text to show/hide will be easy because it will be row 2 of the table the selection object is in.
You can then collapse/expand the text by setting the height of row 2

11-01-2005, 10:22 AM
There are number of ways to hide things in Word. Here is a very simple way using Hidden font.

The ActiveX button toggles between states.

The exact method would depend on exactly what was the goal.

I am not sure is meant by "group and ungroup". The example is not grouping - it is a visiblity issue.